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AutoClicker replies from Nick.
305 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 8th 2020 at 11:12 AM
Last Edited October 8th 2020 at 11:21 AM
Kate (aquafishy)
I really enjoyed the forum dev chat content Wednesday 2020-10-07. I noticed again, that Nick was pushed to make a "decision" on whatever this thread is all about. My comments to the CNE development team regarding this issue have been laced through this thread, and needn't be repeated. However, I am concerned about the Post's original authour, and their behaviour towards the Developers, specific players, and the community in general. I am wondering exactly what action will be taken in that regard. To wit, I am breaking down the insults, demands, and telling phrases for CNE Dev consideration.

Part 1 - Demands of the CNE Development team
Ban them
freeze their accounts for 4 months
deduct score from them
I HOPE Nick does the right thing and by dividing players is not the way to go. WHY not just rid of ranks altogether., but Better yet deduct score..

Rest assured I respect and understand that this CNE game is developed for the enjoyment of all, not just one person. The team has the right to ban abusive players from the game, and this is something you could certainly consider, you shouldn't have to take this abuse from anyone. From a business point of view, having a ranking system does engage people and is a great tool to promote the purchase of bush bucks, packages, and VIP subscriptions. If CNE is truly interested in opting out of these money makers, maybe just the VIP leaderboards could be kept, for folks who contribute cash monthly to the game. This is simply my opinion as a scholar.

Part 2 - Selective abuse of High ranking players
AS soon as I saw 2 specific names commenting, I have NOT even bothered to even read their likely fabricated comments.
FYI: the ranks 1/2/4/8 scores are NOT who I am referring too
rank 6 (now)has gone UP 5 SPOTS from 11th-12th (late/middle-July-----Sept 19th ).(starting score was 088 odd million,now score is 2,072,087,000 billion score)''This is my ?????????? STILL!!!!!
Deduct score from rank 6/7-----700 million each-----. This,,, has to be dealt with first and foremost, the multiple/single movement was fast. Again,, I am not relating to ranks 1/2/4/8/9.

I am not sure how much stock the CNE team wants to put in the demands and statements of a player who is unwilling to interact or read the discussion. This selective singling out of specific people is obviously biased, and should be dismissed. The abuse of the players *numbered* is something the CNE team may wish to address. You have tools to curb this behaviour; forum bans, chat bans, and if necessary, a ban from the game. Speaking for myself, I am quite tired of these unfair, biased attacks.

Part 3 - Time and clocks
Moreover, I know I can't sit 4-20 hrs without taking a break and or get up and move around. just saying.
(as marie peters) Also, no one and I mean no one can ''sit'' for 10 - 20 hours of ''non-stop'' whacking ''''everyday'''' and still get high scores, so again there is something a miss here and it not just the usage of AutoClickers.

Patently incorrect. I will pray that no one ends up disabled. It is a constant struggle. Clearly some folks cannot understand what it is that people with chronic issues experience. I accept that, but am sad to see that even in these modern times some folks feel entitled to step on them, or put them down. I suspect this comes from a place of ignorance rather than malice. At least, I certainly hope so. As a person with rather significant levels of disability, I am again feeling attacked by these statements. I would like to see this sort of behaviour addressed, and whatever appropriate actions you deem fair taken to stop this abuse.

Part 4 - It's not possible
''''How in the ham soup is it being done???'''
I still do not see and or read how it is being done to attain the high scores and fast rank movement,, is still my question to which the post is all about.??And again this all started when FB migrated to CNE.

The crux of the matter. You cannot do it yourself, therefore, you assume it cannot be done. There must be hanky panky (by one specific definition - yours) involved.

CNE, I too encourage you to address the issues brought up in this post. Do something about this abusive poster, so the vast majority of your community can continue to enjoy the game.

I remain,
Feisty as ever,
63 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 8th 2020 at 3:33 PM
Nice response. The thing is if someone is going to call out people for something with no proof in a forum they will get responses that they do not like. I did volunteer to do a test for Barb if she would have posted her set up but I would not have done it to put others down just purely to see if her set up would get similar or same results. It has been a no go so far as she has not posted any info. Now on the serious side some of these players that she is talking about have been getting bullied muted including Barb herself from others causing contention and arguments in chat, to me this is unacceptable when someone who is seeming to claim some knowledge should also know that accusations have a cause and effect. For that reason alone I think a ban should be in place for her because she did not have to say players rankings in the forum Barb must have known that this would set up ridicule and false accusations towards those players which is not good conduct or following the guidelines at all. Also it is bad taste to post the devs reply without posting all her own replies and for that reason anything barb has said I take with a grain of salt as it is misleading the readers without all the responses between both parties.

As ever I am glad to have a say :)
9 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2020 at 3:33 AM
Last Edited October 9th 2020 at 3:33 AM
Ok, to throw in my personal perspective too, as someone who has played this game on Armorgames for years, and will have to migrate to CNE soon.
I have no clue about the past history mentioned here, and I know no one involved.

I'd rather have the developers work on content, events, enhancements to the game. I don't want the CNE team's time taken up with having to kindergarden the players in the forums, having to enforce code of conduct in forums, having to remove things because a few people voice a loud opionion about it.

As someone further up in the thread mentioned, the game is very much a solo game, with little to no interaction.

Any interaction and/or comparison is every player's own choice.
So go play in a way you can enjoy, and stop telling others how they have to play.

Before any ingame content has to be removed because of forum entries, I'd rather have the forum removed and restricted to support tickets and official announcements only.

Edit: spelling, disclaimer, English isn't my first language.
336 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2020 at 5:38 AM
I'd say the same thing BUT the rankings have to go! it's what started THIS!^ oh and maybe add a "trophy"reward for the achievements like say a big,golden statue of a fish("for the fish-up xxx-amount of total energy" achievement) that you can place on your "ranch" in the game.
677 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2020 at 5:59 AM
Last Edited November 19th 2020 at 12:26 PM
Eric, not to be confrontational, but I'm being factual and direct: you are wrong.

The problem isn't the ranking boards, the PROBLEM is certain INDIVIDUALS who have issues with other players.

The ranking board isn't a problem. Trophies aren't the problem. Stats aren't the problem. Seeing how many diamonds or how many monsters whacked isn't the issue.

The issue is with certain players who voice their demands and personal opinions on the community and direct their negative comments and criticisms to them.

Even after all the BS was brought to light and in the open about the mistreat and harassment of players it still continues:
Barb is refusing to let the issue die and she continues her campaign. She still badgers the devs into complying to her demands.

[Comment removed by developer after investigation]

So, to sum up, it's not the ranking board's fault or problem.... it's how certain individuals feel they are entitled to a certain rank and that they have the authority to harass other players.
3217 Posts
Link to post - Posted October 9th 2020 at 3:42 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
I appreciate the continued discussion folks. This is a contentious subject, so I'm locking this thread. I'll review the discussion and may follow up later on.
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