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Codename Entertainment Forums > Bush Whacker 2 > General Discussion > Housekeeping! Commons' Teleporter Hub
Housekeeping! Commons' Teleporter Hub
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- Posted November 4th 2016 at 1:04 PM
Erika/AlynianaLast Edited November 4th 2016 at 1:32 PM It's Teleportation magic! Have some ease added to your daily quest routine! Read more on the blog! Post questions and comments here. :) |
776 Posts
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- Posted November 4th 2016 at 10:13 PM
Russel DentonSpelling error when you have finished the quests, the console thingy, says as follows " No Destinations available! Please constuct destination teleporters. Ask the lead engineer for pending construction projects." it should read " No Destinations available! Please construct destination teleporters. Ask the lead engineer for pending construction projects."
Lvl 370 "Puzzle Solving Guru"
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- Posted November 5th 2016 at 9:25 AM
Dave Isemingerso you can set the destination - but I can't find the person to set up the teleporter in the cloud castle. Do the destinations options expand as additional pads are made in the commons? Meaning when the first pad is open you can only set up the hermit's connection, then when the second pad is made you can set up cloudland, etc. I woudl think you could pick among the locations as you set up commons pads.
Lvl 389 "Is Puzzled"
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- Posted November 5th 2016 at 9:24 PM
deblev53I was happy seeing that we'd be able to travel without the map but with all the running back and forth for the items then going back with the last component only to find you can't do anymore until the next day, I've decided I'll do one and just ignore the rest. It would have been awesome to have them set up the same way as the Guardians teleporters are, but we can't have everything.
54 Posts
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- Posted November 6th 2016 at 1:29 PM
Marguerite Johnstonwell I would like to know where to set up Destination since I have built the teleport :/
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- Posted November 6th 2016 at 1:38 PM
Barbara Tompkinshmm okay have all 3 set up...and have been looking around in fluxes & hubs to set up A Destination..but no one there in any areas I go to..for the set up...:(
535 Posts
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- Posted November 6th 2016 at 2:35 PM
Matthew Kliparchukthink its bugged ive heared theres a NPC at hermits house flux 1.0 and cloudland and no npc that resembles the blog.
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 7:40 AM
Barbara Tompkinsthank you dev's..for the Destination set ups...good to go.....Good concept for us to have and use.:-)
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 8:12 AM
RaymondMatt, I have 3 commons teleporters, but some people said if you don't start one of those and instead press the second option, which to me looked like a do nothing, it will instead set you up for destination ones
535 Posts
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 9:38 AM
Matthew Kliparchukive built 2 and acording to the blog When you've completed the first teleporter station in the Commons, you will be able to seek out Eunice's friends around the world, in Quest Hubs and all the Fluxes, so that you can set up a chain of Teleporters to help out in your daily routines. Only one teleporter quest will be available to work on at a time, so it will take a few days to get it fully set up.
ive yet to find any of the npc and im not the only one. |
Post by Matthew Kliparchuk deleted November 7th 2016 at 9:38 AM | |
1841 Posts
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 10:33 AM
FlybabyI wish there was a better description / instruction of what we are expected to do. I have built 3 Teleporters, and still can't set up a destination.
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 11:48 AM
Matthew KliparchukWell the blog is very misleading raymond managed to shed some light when u get the chance to build more then one teleporter select the other option it will then let u find a NPC in the world 24 locations i think he said.
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 12:08 PM
Barbara TompkinsOK.. I have 3 teleports set up.in the commons...and I saw a list from Eunice this morn...and well I followed it,, so I did do the Hermits.first destination in the commons and it works...so now I guess I have to wait 20 hrs ?to do my other 2 set up dest's.(will do santuary next)....(is that right)....I can only do one destination a day..(BTW I am on my 3rd achievement for this Teleport Hub...:) content...
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 12:48 PM
Raymondhermit, port blackwood, cloud, sanctuary, explorers camp and 19 fluxes (so far) possible.
all but the fluxes are a waste of space as there is a globe to instantly get to any of those other spts with 1 click |
3620 Posts
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 4:10 PM
Erika/AlynianaLast Edited November 7th 2016 at 4:10 PM @ Russ: Thanks for the catch. Typo resolved. :)
@ Dave Iseminger: You can only build one Commons teleporter at a time, and you have to wait 20 hours between building them. Once you have built a few, like Hermit's, Cloudland and Sanctuary, then you will see the list of options grow longer. @ deb: Thanks for the feedback. @ Barb: Glad you're enjoying it. @ Raymond: Some players don't like using the map. This way they can set Commons Teleporter A to say go to Sanctuary, the Sanctuary one to go to Hermit's, and the Hermit's to go to their current Flux. Teleporter B could go to Cloudland, then Cloundland to Hermit's. Then all you need to do is choose the quest hub you want that day when you've picked up your quests in the Commons, and move on with the whacking. @ Everyone: Thank you for the feedback. Sorry for the confusion. If you are at level 300, there should be a 20 hour cooldown between building the 3 Commons teleporter hubs. It is now fixed for the rest of the teleporter quests that you can start a teleporter quest at any time, and that you can only work on one at a time. So if you complete Flux 17, then you can start Flux 16 right away, but you can't work on building teleporters for Flux 16 and 17 at the same time. |
30 Posts
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 4:31 PM
kurtrahnI think I've found a glitch. I just finished the Wires quest and thought I turned it in, but the Wires quest still show in my quest bar and says "Return to Engineer Eunice. When i go to Eunice, She has a white question mark, like she's waiting for me to turn in a quest. When I click on her, she says something about Porter Powder being crucial to the teleporters' operation, as if she's already assigned me a new quest.
1096 Posts
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- Posted November 7th 2016 at 9:45 PM
Barbara TompkinsOMGoodness..love the concept...have 3 dest's done..already .so easy to get around .:) I am on the 4th Achievement..(Connected Bushwackia 2/5.and just starting the 5th Connected Flux 1/19.)
I was not confused at all..I just read the blog...etc..had no probs..:) |
776 Posts
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- Posted November 8th 2016 at 3:21 AM
Russel Dentoncan we please have a teleporter at amicus please, i have not spotted one one there yet
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- Posted November 8th 2016 at 6:25 AM
FlybabyLast Edited November 8th 2016 at 6:27 AM Thank you to the Devs for fixing the teleporter quest. Eunice is now showing the list of destinations, and the NPC's are showing up in their designated areas. One question I have, is once we set up a destination, can we change our mind later and choose a different location?