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Lack of Female Crusaders. Take 2.

859 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 13th 2016 at 11:27 AM
Seems as if I'm late to the party. Oh, well. My two cents, though, with regards to this topic:

While this whole thing seems to be obvious for a lot of you on both ends of this discussion, I don't think that way.

Let me try to explain by telling you how I play: I usually focus on having an as high Gold Bonus as possible for as long as I don't need the maximum of DPS. I think, most of us do, since getting as many levels as possible through purchasing of said levels, seems to be the ordinary choice.

Also, with my current gear and buffs and talents and all whatnot, I am relying on one maine crusader for DPS and everybody else either supports the Gold Bonus of the team, the raise of DPS of the team or both.

Most of you will already know which crusaders are in my usual team by now, especially when I tell you, I joined Crusaders during the second event, playing the third event as my first. With this, a few crusaders will be in every team when possible: The Princess, the Werewolf, Quiri, Kaine, Sasha and Natalie. Honorable guests are Jim and Sally and either the gold panda or Leerion.

Am I a feminist for having more female than male regulars or am I a pervert for ogling so many female crusaders? I don't know. To be honest, I haven't thought about it until now.

What I did wish until a couple of months ago were alternatives to the crusaders available until then. I think, until Quiri came out, I was afraid I was stuck with the choices I had until then and they seemed very limited and - to be honest - quite boring.

Now, though, I feel as if I don't have enough time, to juggle with the choices that are available. Do I use some of the newer crusaders and try how they can improve the team, or do I send them on missions to gain EPs for being able to get the crusaders I missed before?

Also, I have the feeling, there are so many events coming up in such a short timeframe, that a permanent setup of preferred teams is hardly possible. Too many choices, too many options for a casual player like me.

I'm beating around the bush, right? OK, here we go for the core question: Do we need more female crusaders?

If they fit into the game, sure, go ahead. I can think of a lot of events which could bring in more female characters, and to be honest, I don't care whether they are human, humanoid, robotic, pure magic or whatnot. We are in a fantasy world which is perfect for inclusion and I really like the optics of the Soldierette. I.e. the Ghostbusters reboot is coming up. Why not having an event with a "Ghostbusterette" and a female Ghost? With this, we could also get an additional magic or healing user. As a fan of Stephen King in another realm of pop culture, I also could think of a horror event. Would I like to see a Carrie-look-alike who can - due to her telekinectic power - move enemies back or slow them down? Sure, as well as a Beverly Marsh from IT who is effective against Spiders or evil clowns - probably you shouldn't be able to have her in the same team as pete the carney ;).

However, I wouldn't go as far as to ask the developers to force female characters into the game for the pure reason to have statistics showing there are as many female as male characters. Maybe, I am wrong here, but I do not like forcing anything on anybody. This is the wrong way from my point of view and sends out the wrong signal (maybe there are better words to describe, what I am trying to say, but english remains only as my second language, sorry). From my point of view, this might look like a "win" of some sorts. Even though, I do agree with the question - only the question for now - of how important this "win" might be after all. But wouldn't this win look a bit like a sour one? One that was "granted" and not earned?

The beautiful thing about the Crusaders game right now is - as far as I can say - there are so many options, that you can chose. Fair enough, if you haven't been able to catch all the event crusaders it is more tough, but still, if you want to play an all female team, you don't need to leave all places wide open. Natalie was there from the beginning and she packs a mighty punch. The Princess is not only nice and pink looking, but one of the greatest characters in the game, especially early on when you don't have all rare gear for everyone and even more so, if you have her fully equipped. And as far as I can tell, even if you have started just a couple of days ago, there is a mighty good chance, that you will be able to chose an all female or all male or an equal female-male team within the next few months. Either, because you have unlocked them in other events, or you were able to unlock them through missions.

And I want to add how beautiful it is to even have a transgender character in the game. Broot is not only Broot, but awesome. I absolutely recognice and appreciate the efforts the developers went through so far and am looking forward for any new crusaders.

My two cents, hopefully, not hurting anyone, because this wasn't my goal at all.
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