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Codename Entertainment

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 13th 2012 at 9:26 PM
Nate Dauer
You know those squares on the map that lead to sub-zone maps? I was thinking it'd be a nice little minor adjustment to change their "square" borders. All the "squares" currently have white as their border, but for sub-zone "squares" why not make them yellow or red or even a dark gray? Just something to make it visually more clear where the sub-zones are (since there are starting to be a lot of them these days).

It probably wouldn't hurt to have another border color for map areas that have "rooms" in them (such as that mountain square that has the hermit's cave or that graveyard square that has the room with all the skeletons).

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 14th 2012 at 6:32 AM
I like that.
And perhaps mark squares with NPC that you can interact with. But that's a lot of squares.
And that have things like stores.

I am wondering about 2 non-map 'mini' areas that very rarely have quests, are those 'transition' squares going to have the quest symbols? Of course I'm talking about the Zoo and the Haven Castle.
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