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Codename Entertainment
Arena Challenge Hour

37 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 11th 2014 at 4:44 AM
Rima Rama
This was posted by Melody October May:

"If you're like me, you've had problems finding anyone in the arena any time you go there. I've seen a lot of threads talking about this frustration.

So, a couple of neighbors and I have come up with an idea.

For an hour each night (times posted in next paragraph), if you're wanting to battle in the arena, go there. If we have this posted hour, perhaps others will go there, too. And THEN, we can all finally start getting in the challenges we need to bring up our stats.

The time suggested is for the one-hour period starting at:

--6pm Pacific
--7pm Mountain
--8pm Central
--9pm Eastern "

Are people still doing this? If not... LET'S DO IT!!
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