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Codename Entertainment
Can't find all the pieces to a puzzle???
Lvl 240 "Revolutionary"
2 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 17th 2014 at 8:22 PM
Amy Adams Young
I just finished Secret Bonus Area 40 and managed to place 80 of the 81 puzzle pieces but cannot locate the last piece anywhere on my screen. What gives? Am I missing something??
Lvl 330 "Pseudo Achiever"
438 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 18th 2014 at 7:29 AM
Marci Wilson
I'm not that far, but as often the case, there is a dark or black puzzle piece. If you are on a laptop, try tilting your screen. This has worked for me in the past while trying to find that one last piece. Also, you could try closing and opening the puzzle window, as it will hopefully move to a place where it is more visible.

With so many of the puzzles I spend a huge amount of time hunting down pieces that blend completely with the background.. my vision is not the best on a good day LOL and it doesn't even have to be the puzzles with black pieces blending into a black background.

I have a suggestion for the devs, considering we have so many players who are older adults, perhaps if they could give the pieces a slight halo or outline. It doesn't have to be blaring, just a little hint of a glow on the edges just so those of us who have really poor vision can see them just a tiny bit better.. I don't know, just an idea.
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