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Codename Entertainment
DJArts, Please Help Me
82 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 13th 2014 at 8:31 PM
Caren Katsmom
I'm beyond frustrated. I can not get a reply to my support ticket for EB 1, submitted on Dec. 30, 2013: Egg Breaker Help - Ticket #793

The game continues to report my ticket as pending, awaiting response; but when I tried to open another ticket tonight, to try to get attention to my first ticket, I was unable to do so. Instead, I saw the following message:

"Sorry, technical/customer support is no longer offered for this game. If there is an issue causing the game to be inaccessible, we will still receive automatic notifications and should get it fixed shortly, so try back in a couple of hours. If the game is not loading for you specifically, try clearing your Browser Cache, restarting your browser, or refreshing."

DJArts, I spent real money on the EB 1 Christmas event (the subject of my support ticket). My ticket was submitted two weeks ago. Please give me the courtesy of reading and responding to my issue. Thank you.
593 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 14th 2014 at 1:28 PM
Kittychix (Chloe)
This situation has been resolved in the appropriate forum.

Thank you :)
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