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Codename Entertainment
Moving through the levels
Lvl 420 "Needs More Energy!"
103 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 12th 2014 at 3:07 AM
Jennifer Mitchell
This might be a stupid question but are there cheats to get you through the game faster not that I want to know them because I think that would be pointless but I've noticed during special events and now on the new update folk seem to move very fast overnight even though we can only use the same amount of energy packs. I know you can spend cash but to be finished already, anyway just curious.
305 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 12th 2014 at 4:01 AM
Kate (aquafishy)
You can also save up djarts tokens, which can really accumulate if you play all four games for tokens. You can save up to 25 red energy packs, and you can save or buy bushbucks. Amicus islnad tokens can allow you to purchase massive energy boosts from one of the vendors as well.
Lvl 420 "Needs More Energy!"
103 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 12th 2014 at 6:00 AM
Jennifer Mitchell
Thanks Aqua I was just curious as I saved lge energy packs and my DJArts tokens of which I've used all I play on and off all day and still only on level 183 mind you I'm not complaining I don't like to get through too quickly just to be stuck in the one place at the end.
677 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 12th 2014 at 7:57 AM
There aren't really any 'cheats', you just have to know the game....

Also Jenn, it depends on how often you play, your crops, how many friends you have and what your trinkets and runes are.

If you always burn off your energy and never 'overnight max out' then you are efficient.

If you plant energy crops and always get max friend helps on your crops you get more energy to play. Blackberries and Cantaloupes are the best daily crops, in my opinion if you can manage the time.

If you have 250 buddies, you get those extra whacks every 5 days.

Trinkets and Runes, plus the right Companion can be powerful. My tip, don't underestimate mana.

As for events..... there are certain companions that help you during events and they give you better odds to get the event 'candies' etc.....

Final 'tip', make sure you do the daily quests.... you can get a lot of xp from doing the daily quests and use your Timey Whimey watch when returning them to cut another 2 hrs of the wait time.
Lvl 420 "Needs More Energy!"
103 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 12th 2014 at 8:56 AM
Jennifer Mitchell
Thanks Jason for all your tips much appreciated.
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