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Codename Entertainment
Restarts (slightly different idea)

36 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 11th 2012 at 9:28 AM
Molly Roberts
I'm almost at the end of the game (give or take new updates), and I don't really want to potter around doing the same old repeatable quests again.

It would be really nice to be able to retire my old character and start a new one from scratch, without losing the old one? D&D heroes of neverwinter have a system for it, where you can only reach level 10 (impractical for BW!!), get 3 free characters, then if you want to generate more you either earn them by completing achievements in-game with your current characters or else buy them with in-game money (bought via real money or earned).

But importantly, you never lose your old characters. You can keep using them, even if you are buffing a new one.

I'd really like to see that in BW. Apart from anything, naming a character gives it more of an identity to me. I know the devs are constantly creating new content, so I hate the idea of deleting #1 just so I can start again!

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 11th 2012 at 9:23 PM
Melody October May
Setting up a second account is always an easy way to do it. Also, there's another method of getting to BW, not thru FaceBook - I can't remember what it is, but I know several people have used it. Maybe Raymond will answer - I know that he's aware of the other method.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 11th 2012 at 9:39 PM
Hi5 while you are logged in or not to facebook.
I can't remember but I think until you create a hi5 account your 'new' player is unnamed.

36 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 12th 2012 at 5:41 AM
Molly Roberts
Ahh, thanks very much! :) Still seems a shame not to have it in-game, mind
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