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Codename Entertainment
FIX for people who see the previous flux puzzle in the new 8.0 area -->
Lvl 225 "Diamond Finder"
19 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 15th 2013 at 1:32 PM
Skye Fyre
Hi there -- I use google chrome while playing this game, and I noticed upon arriving at the new flux 8.0 that the puzzle I was given was the desert puzzle from flux 7.0. Clearing the flash cache didn't solve the problem.

Here is how to fix this: Go to your GOOGLE BROWSER OPTIONS TAB by clicking on the button in the top right corner that looks like three orange lines. From there, choose the "Settings" option. When it brings up the new page, go to the section labeled "Privacy" (you may have to click on the 'view advanced options' in order to see this section) and then the button that says "CLEAR BROWSING DATA." Select "the beginning of time" from the dropdown menu, and make sure the first 4 options beneath it are checked (the other three don't matter you may click them if you like but I didn't).

This may take several minutes depending on how long it has been since you last wiped your browser history. When it is finished, refresh your game if you already have it open, or simply open your browser and log into facebook like normal. The next time you open your flux puzzle it will be the correct jungle puzzle. ^_^ Hope this helps a few of you that had the same problem I did!

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