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Codename Entertainment
Battle action resolution issue
28 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 10th 2012 at 7:50 AM
Eric T. Schroeder
I think some tweak might be needed to the order in which battle actions are resolved. I've noticed now in the Wooded Forest and beyond a much bigger incident rate where you go into a battle and if you need to switch guardians, the enemy will get a free hit on your new guardian, then will have the first hit in the next round and can take you down to single digit life points before you even get a chance to make an attack, which will force you to make another switch (or let him faint), which can lead to the same thing happening all over again with a new guardian.

Even if your guardian is lower in level than the opposition, this shouldn't happen THAT quickly (assuming you're at least close in level/strength). I've got 2 very high level guardians, and 2 that are at/just below the level of creatures I'm encountering, and I've seen a number of times where I'll go into a battle against a trainer with 3 or 4 guardians and he will have wiped throuh the 2 guardians I'm trying to level, and 1/2 of one of my established guardians before I have even made a decent dent in his first creature.

It would seem that either the switch of a guardian should end that round of battle and it start a new one after it appears, or that you're newly summoned guardian should receive the 1st attack in round after it appears, so that the enemy doesn't have this overwhelming chance to take 2 massive hits on a new creature and to render it useless before it even has a chance to act. If it was just every once in a while, it wouldn't be so bad; it'd be like "oh wow, that was unlucky", but it happens a often and your only saving grace is when the opponent inexplicably just decides to use a passive skill to power up instead of finishing you off when he has the chance.
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