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Codename Entertainment
More then 100%
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 7th 2013 at 8:43 AM
No, not in the Event.

My Trinkets, and high level Pet, and 3 Runes add up to improving everything by more then 100%.
And on top of that I also have quite a bit of reducing Nothings.
But I still get Nothings when whacking or Mana whacking or phone friend whacking.
Shouldn't I not get any Nothings? love that multiple negativity...
I understand getting many when Power whacking since no odds modification takes place during that, but regular whacking should have not a single nothing.
Lvl 400 "Public Servant"
793 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 7th 2013 at 9:17 AM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)
Hi Raymond,

I loaded up your account and took a look at your trinkets and I think there's some confusion on your part as to how the odds modification works.

Odds effect the *base chance* to win a type, not your overall odds, so for example if you have a 10% chance to win mana without any trinkets, and you get +50% odds to win mana through trinkets, your odds to win mana are not 60%, instead they are 10 + (50% of 10) = 15%.

The way nothings odds work is that once we've added up all your other odds, we subtract your total chance to win non-nothings from 100% and that remaining chance is filled with nothings. Less nothings trinkets reduce this remaining chance, so there are only two ways to get no nothings at all:

1) Get enough +odds in all the non-nothings so that their total odds add up to > 100%. Since gold is the most common non-nothing, Increased gold odds trinkets get you to this point the fastest.
2) Get -100% nothings via less nothings trinkets/pet/runes.

Hope that clarifies trinket odds for you.

- Justin
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 7th 2013 at 12:44 PM
ah, that answers it.
But now will you give us the confidential top secret information on the 'base chance' for everything?
Good to know that Gold is the most common non-nothing.
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