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Codename Entertainment
various suggestions
17 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 9th 2013 at 10:41 AM
Last Edited July 9th 2013 at 10:42 AM
Филипп Мастяев
1 - interface is overloaded with rarely used elements.
like at the bottom of the game's frame there is a friends panel which uses about 15% of the game's frame. how often people use it, and why can't i hide it if i'm not using it?
it would be very appreciated if there would be an option to hide any panel that gamer don't use right now.
understand that i'm playing this game on a 24" display (1920*1200 is my screen' res), so 15% of the frame is a lot of space.

2 - hotkeys for quick actions are very needed.
3 - option to turn off animation also would be appreciated. it's very funny when i'm reaching out 20th level, but at 100th level it's boring and waste of time. and first of all it's about various popup anims
Lvl 80 "Hero to the Downtrodden!"
426 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 9th 2013 at 12:38 PM
Ken Layden
Thank you for the suggestions. We always appreciate feedback.
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