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Codename Entertainment
you already got the award earlier.
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 4th 2013 at 7:00 AM
No I didn't.

I hardly ever click on those shared game posts, but since I'm just a few away from leveling up again I clicked one and got that message.
The only other time I had clicked on any was a couple days aho just before leveling up that time. I hardly think someone of my friends posts the same quest ending a 2 days ago and again today.
Just how does your system determine whether or not a reward had been taken?
This is not the first time I have noticed this but is perhaps the first time anyone is complaining about it.

You know, if you had provided a play history I could check this myself. But that was on your list and now I know is no longer on your list of things to do.
Lvl 80 "Hero to the Downtrodden!"
426 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 4th 2013 at 9:36 AM
Ken Layden
Howdy Jerome,
While I cannot provide the intimate details of how our system works I can assure you it is an issue I will bring up to the other developers.
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