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Codename Entertainment
general info, pets and swords

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 21st 2013 at 9:29 AM
Last Edited June 21st 2013 at 9:30 AM
first, is this the only repeated event to ever have a new Pet? I have done many events multiple times, but until recently I have given up. Will get this pet though and wonder if its the butterfly and what others would be getting (I was out of commission last year from April to August)

list of pets I know about:
Turkey; Thanksgiving Event
Reindeer; Christmas Event top 10%
Snowy; Christmas Event everyone
Mini Roboclaw; Scientists Quest 16 Adamantium+++
Cupid; Valentines Event
Speedy Turtle; Underwater
Enchanted Pot o'Gold; St Patricks Event
Easter Bunny; Easter Event
Parrot; Schools Out Event getting 250 apples (and graduation ribbon)
Elfy; Christmas #2 2011
butterfly; Schools Out 2012

list of swords (those from arena are forever unobtainable):
#; Swords; Results; Origin & cost
1; Tiki Spear; -Nothings +Gems; Island Feathers 40
2; Bandit Sword; -Nothing +Gold; Museum 32K Gold + 3 Ruby
3; Radioactive Sword; -Nothings; +Power Scientists Minions Quest
4; robot blade; -Nothings +Power; Auction
5; Diamond Scepter; +Gems +Power; Haven 1 Diamond
6; Poseidon Trident; -Nothings; Underwater
7; Samuri Sword; -Nothings; Blacksmith 5K Gold + 4 Graphite + 4 Iron + 2 Mythril
8; Crystal Sword; +Gems; Blacksmith 20K Gold + 3 Adamantium + 5 Gold + 10 Graphite + 10 Iron + 3 Mythril
9; Guitar Sword; +Gems; Scientists Minions Quest
10; Aztek God Sword; +Gems; Jungle
11; Cutlass; +Gold; Blacksmith 10K Gold + 4 Gold + 6 Graphite + 6 Iron + 1 Mythril
12; Kriss; +Gold; Arena Tokens 75
13; Crusher Sword; +Power; Arena Tokens 350
14; Golden Greatsword; +Power; Blacksmith 35K Gold + 6 Adamanium + 10 Gold + 20 Graphite + 20 Iron + 7 Mythril
15; Gladius; +Mana; Arena Tokens 135
16; Mana Sword; +Mana; Blacksmith 55K Gold + 7 Adamantium + 12 Gold + 23 Graphite + 25 Iron + 9 Mythril
17; Bone Sword; just for show; Halloween 2010 buy 15 Tickets
18; Candy Cane Sword; just for show; Christmas Event zone
19; Clean Sword; just for show; Kings Quests Chest
20; Hammer; just for show; Blacksmith BB's 26
21; Rusty Sword; just for show; Kings Quests
22; Shiny Sword; just for show; Blacksmith 1K Gold + 1 Gold + 1 Graphite + 1 Iron
23; Valentines Sword; just for show; Valentines Event
24; Irish Staff; just for show; St Patricks Event
25; baseball bat; just for show; Auction
26; Chocolate Sword; just for show; Easter Event
27; Miners Pick; just for show; Caves
28; Rune Sword; +Mana -Fruit; Blacksmith 500K Gold + 14 Thorium + 8 Mythril + 6 Quartz + 2 Platinum + 20 Iron (Level 100)
29; Key Sword; +Power -Mana; Blacksmith 500K Gold + 16 Thorium + 7 Quartz + 4 Adamantium + 1 Platinum + 20 Iron (Level 100)
30; Fruit Sword; +Fruit -Power; Blacksmith 500K Gold + 14 Gold + 18 Thorium + 9 Quartz + 3 Platinum + 24 Iron (Level 100)
31; Pencil Sword; just for show; Schools Out Event
32; Witches Broom; +Gold; Far Away Quest
33; Shovel Sword; +Power; Hollow Earth Quest
34; Croquet Sword; +Mana; Wonderful Lands Quest
35; Barnacle Sword; +Gold -Nothing; Pirate Island Quest
36; Chainsaw; just for show; BW Club October what year? are there others too...
37; Scythe Sword; just for show; Halloween 2011 quest in last square
38; Great Golden Sword; +Mana -Nothing; The Invisible Isle mini update of squares
39; Dafodil Sword; just for show; Easter 2013 maybe 2012

112 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 24th 2013 at 9:26 AM
Carolyn Schwartz
I have a blue butterfly but not the parrot. Wouldn't it be great if we could get the pet we haven't won, this year? I'd appreciate knowing which pet is this year's prize before I try super hard to win (and get the same pet again?).

305 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 26th 2013 at 2:37 PM
Kate (aquafishy)
I too have the butterfly, and not the parrot
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