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Codename Entertainment
Magic beans.... Fee Fi Fo Fum
13 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 15th 2013 at 6:29 PM
Troy Rogers
Hello again community, I came back here to suggestions to talk about magic beans

Magic beans are one of the daily store missions, they are items you plant in dirt patches back at your property, the weird thing I noticed about them is that they have a 365 day expiration date if you leave them in the ground too long, much longer waiting time than most crops

after seeing the magic beans for the first time they immediately reminded me of the jack and the bean stock story, but in this game they only appear to function as this daily mission(I've asked somebody and apparently there is nothing hidden in the item). this item/quest has bugged my curiosity since I first took the mission, I wondered if you left the magic beans in the ground long enough if they would grow into a bean stock and get you into a secret area in the clouds, I never tried it because it would be sacrificing dirt plots for a long time(365 days) without any guarantee, and I guess it was a good thing I didn't

Implement the bean stalk idea, plant the 4 magic beans in a 2x2 grid, and over time(doesn't have to be a whole year, maybe a week or 2) they will grow bigger and bigger progressively, then bind together(if this is graphically possible) into a giant bean stalk that will transport you into a secret area such as the ones we get gnomes from now, and in the secret area we could talk to a giant or whack some cloud bushes and stuff and complete a puzzle, and get something cool or an achievement

Thanks for reading, hope you guys like my idea, and hope it isn't too much work, I know you have a lot of other you are working on

-Troy Rogers, AKA Kukironosuke on KONGREGATE bushwacker 2, level 101
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