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Codename Entertainment
Missing Fields

8 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 13th 2013 at 9:20 AM
Kimberly Johnson
How do I find the Beasts Field in order to get the Anvil that is needed for Mr. Smith.? I can't find it.

Also, where is the Dry Abode, that is supposed to be south of the Residential Area? I can't seem to find that either.

Another one I can't find is the Backwoods Lake. I think maybe I don't have that one open yet, but not sure.

Can someone please help.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 13th 2013 at 6:52 PM
The Dry Abode is 5 squares into the Lost/Hidden City zone. Not related to the residential area near the school, the Lost City has a square called the Residential District. You are told about it perhaps a week or 2 before you can get there, get used to that, from now on there will be quests in areas mentioned long before you get there.

The Beasts Field is perhaps the next to last square of the Snowy zone.

Backwoods Lake is a lake in the Haunted Forest zone and you can't get there until you complete the Snowy Zone and I think you also have to complete the Lost City or at least get to perhaps 10 or 20 Levels higher then you seem to be.

8 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 14th 2013 at 2:41 AM
Kimberly Johnson

8 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 14th 2013 at 2:35 PM
Kimberly Johnson
I am level 66.

I have found The Beasts Field, its one that I hadn't done yet, but have open to do.

Where abouts is the Lost/Hidden City zone? I have Hidden Valley zone open, is that part of it or not?

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 14th 2013 at 3:27 PM
the lost city is above and to the right of the desert. you start it from that probably locked gate in The Stinging Dust. But I think you actually have to do the whole Island zone first. Been so long I can't remember. Then after all this you can do the Haunted Forest and get to the Backwoods Lake. I don't know why you even know about the Backwoods Lake right now, you are weeks if not months away from there.

8 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 19th 2013 at 2:06 AM
Kimberly Johnson
I know about the Backwoods Lake because I have the Haunted Forest open. I can go to the Haunted Village, I have the Creepy Decline already 100% complete, the Central Forest 2% complete, and have the Eastern Haunt open already as well (he told me to come back at level 70 and he will talk to me more). But the girl in the village is the one that gave me the quest for the Backwoods Lake area. Thats why I was wondering where that was at.

Next to the Stinging Dust, I have a locked one that says CAMP on it, one below Camp that is also locked, one below The Blistering Hills that is locked. I have one locked above Dusty Street, one above Shifty Alley thats locked, one above and one next to Central Forest that are locked, one above Frozen Lake and one above the Cracking Path that is locked. Thats all that I have that are locked right now, that I can see.

Is the Lost City any where near any of the ones I have listed? If so, then I should get to it as soon as I decide to go over and complete a few of the ones that are not done completed yet, but are open.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 29th 2013 at 12:35 PM
Last Edited March 29th 2013 at 12:41 PM
Dusty Street & Shifty Alley are part of the Lost City.
The Dry Abode you originally mentioned is there in that Lost City, its below the square called The Residential District.

If you have gotten into the Haunted Forest then you know where the Beasts Field is, you had to go through it in the Snowy Zone to get there.

It seems that you are all over the place with way too many things started and unfinished. I never had more then 3 squares undone at a time when I was playing. I thought that was the way they had it set, one couldn't get to someplace else until something is done or some level is reached and such, therefore there is lots of time to complete every square thats undone. But maybe that's just how I played it.

The stuff to the side and below the Camp is part of the Jungle Zone that you will eventually get to. Go to every square that you have incomplete and finish those. Check those for gates. Check all squares adjacent to yor locked ones for gates, but many of those happen to be next to places you have completed but reached from places beyond those...

8 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 29th 2013 at 6:41 PM
Kimberly Johnson
I have gotten most of what I had, that actually had something to do in them, done. I now have only 3 or 4 that are actually not started, but open.

Where is the item to either buy or get that would up my mana to lvl 10? I can't seem to be able to up that so that I can do lvl 10 and above bushes with mana. I can do them with whacking but not mana.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions.
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