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Codename Entertainment
Trinkets - percentages
Lvl 330 "Dr. Hatchesalot"
28 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 9th 2013 at 9:10 AM
Diana Drummond
Okay, so I am a bit of a math nerd and how the trinkets work is bothering me.

Let's say that you have the following probabilities without any trinkets:

Nothing - 25%
Energy - 10%
Mana - 15%
Power - 20%
Gold - 30%
For a total of 100% (I know there are puzzle pieces and quest items, I am just trying to make this simple.)

So, I add a trinket that gives me 200 or 10% at the level I am of energy.

My question is do I now have:

Nothing 25%
Energy 11%
Mana 15%
Power 20%
Gold 30%

Making a total of 101% (which isn't really a percent) or do I have

Nothing 24.725%
Energy 11%
Mana 14.835%
Power 19.78%
Gold 29.67%

My brain hurts...
189 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 9th 2013 at 11:11 AM
Luca D'Agostini
Indeed, a true mystery... I'm trying to get it since I started to play this game but I never succeeded.
For now I can only assume these odds are here to make us crazy or something...
Lvl 109 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
510 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 12th 2013 at 6:43 PM
Noemi Pomerleau
You would have:

Nothing: 24%
Energy: 11%
Mana: 15%
Power: 20%
Gold: 30%

The trinkets only reduce your likelihood to receive "nothing"s and/or increase other odds, they never reduce odds other than "nothing" odds.
189 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 13th 2013 at 4:41 AM
Luca D'Agostini
And when a trinket reduce the odds to receive nothing, the other odds are increased by the same amount or in a proportional way?

Example: let's say the reduction of receiving nothing is 2%.

It will be like that
Nothing - 23%
Energy - 10.5%
Mana - 15.5%
Power - 20.5%
Gold - 30.5%

or like that?
Nothing - 23%
Energy - 10.27%
Mana - 15.4%
Power - 20.53%
Gold - 30.8%
Lvl 440 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 13th 2013 at 6:20 AM
why does it matter? I have my pet at level 20 with a total Nothings reduction overall of close to 20% and I still get a whole lot of nothings when I multiply something. Its 20% of some base that in itself is almost nothing so there is almost no improvement. Knowing some miniscule number is not going to make it hurt less.
189 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 17th 2013 at 11:27 AM
Luca D'Agostini
It does matter for us.
If YOU don't matter then you can go (to spread your hate) on another thread.
Have you ever been JUST CURIOUS about something?
Lvl 109 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
510 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 19th 2013 at 10:54 AM
Noemi Pomerleau
Sorry about the delay in replying, I needed to get confirmation on this one. Your second theory is the correct one, Luca, it would work out like so:

Nothing - 23%
Energy - 10.27%
Mana - 15.4%
Power - 20.53%
Gold - 30.8%
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