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Codename Entertainment
Friend Gates - Going anywhere?

83 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2013 at 3:16 PM
Marc Levac
You know those 3-4 gates that either need the lock pick or to be opened by various friends accepting the request? Well on the map there's pretty clearly a path leading from where these end at another mountain a few squares over from Friendly Mountain. Is anything ever going to be done with that area? It's messing with my non existent OCD.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2013 at 4:33 PM
I always thought that there should be one 'friend' square for every zone in the game.
1 Forest, 2 Swamp, 3 Mountain, 4 Desert, 5 Snowy, 6 Island, 7 Lost City, 8 Haunted Forest, 9 Scientists Castle, 10 Underwater, 11 Jungle, 12 Caves, 13 Far Away Lands, 14 Sunken Pyramid, 15 Hollow Earth, 16 Wonderous Lands, 17 Pirate Island, 18 Haven Crypts, 19 Pre-twiggy Lake, 20 Twiggy Lake, 21 all over Kings squares, 22 friend (I'm anal and think there should be a friend friend square. Well maybe just the first 12.
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