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Codename Entertainment
About the house upgrade - feedback plus ideas for the future
Lvl 140 "Omnom Nom Nom!"
132 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2013 at 7:22 AM
Marleen Larik
I'm pretty sure that nothing's going to come from this thread as we've already got the bigger houses, but I wanted to post it anyway - just as a feedback or maybe input for further upgrades. I don't mean to pointlessly critisize, please take it as constructive input. :)

The house upgrade was not what I expected. What I THOUGHT it was going to be was an additional square the size of the original housse that the player could choose to put on one empty square adjacent to an existing house wall.

This way,
- the additional floor space could have been 1/2 square per upgrade
- houses would have remained "upgradable" in other directions
- different player houses would have looked different - long, L-shaped, big suare, inner yard... etc.
- garden items accidentally covered up wouldn't have had to be removed, as the player would have been forced to clear out the space before placing the floor

That would have been even nice, and allowed for more frequent upgrades, each one a time and money sink. Each upgrade could be more expensive than the last, as is the case with clearing space for your farm.

But my only "real" problems with the current bigger house are
- the fence length doesn't check out anymore - I cannot currently build a straight fence to the side as the space between the house and the unclaimed land to either side is not compatible with the fence length anymore.
- the taller roof covers up much of the garden behind the house.

For future upgrades, the following features would kick bottom, imho:
- cellar or top floor
- be able to place the staircases to cellar or top floor wherever we choose
- inner walls (like the ones used in the Christmas houses) - I am currently using bookcases but proper wallpapered walls would be better
- the ability to hand posters (etc.) from these inner walls
- ability to choose the style of the roof (I would prefer a lower roof that would allow me to see more of my garden)
Lvl 109 "Other Peoples Problem Solver!"
510 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 29th 2013 at 3:58 PM
Noemi Pomerleau
This is an awesome list of ideas, thanks so much! I'll keep a record of them for the next time we're thinking of doing some updates to the ranch.
Lvl 140 "Omnom Nom Nom!"
132 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 31st 2013 at 10:34 AM
Marleen Larik
Thank you!
Lvl 281 "Omnom Nom Nom!"
157 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 31st 2013 at 12:00 PM
Angele Malo
I like those ideas too, being able to add walls is something that bothered be back in bw1, was using bookcases then lol also to add the stairs where we want! YES PLEASE!!! I love the idea of having a uniquely styled house by me and these ideas would fit just right
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