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Codename Entertainment
christmas garland

36 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 4th 2013 at 9:23 AM
Marsha Couturier
so i got my notice that the christmas event has ended, but the north pole is still there i can still whack bushes by santas house and shit, but STILL HAVENT FOUND A SINGLE GARLAND... i need to know what the hell is going on here!!!! i have been trying for over a week....and nothing, countless amounts of energy wasted for something that dosnt seem to a chick out here!!!!

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 4th 2013 at 9:36 AM
The event is ended. You can't get any more Christmas things. The zone still exists for some unfathomable reason and that's what's confusing you. If you were to leave the Christmas zone then you would never be able to get back since the event is over. Nothing Christmas related is going to appear from any bushes anywhere. p.s. you didn't have to whack in those squares at all once you completed the jigsaw puzzles there, i.e. I whacked in the lowest level square since I need to whack 30,000 beasts for another achievement.
If I had known that the zone wouldn't disappear then I would have stayed there, it would've been fun whacking icy bushes till July or whenever, probable next Halloween since that event has its own zone.
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