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Codename Entertainment
Redeemable Gems

83 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2012 at 12:17 AM
Marc Levac
So having played BW for awhile I've amassed 3 diamonds at this point, and that's after I bought the diamond equipment from the shop. So basically these ultra high level gems just sit there. I usually find more than enough gems to convert to rubies and others for energy and herbs. It'd be nice if we could convert gems to money but not vice versa. Also more conversions for keys might be nice since they just take up room.

83 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 22nd 2012 at 3:27 PM
Last Edited December 26th 2012 at 5:57 PM
Marc Levac
Oh! And some way to redeem sand dollars, jungle tokens, minion tokens and especially explorer's tokens. Given that it costs no energy, I like to play that puzzle game every time. Now up to 110 explorer's tokens and nothing I can spend them on. The tropical island feathers and crypt quester's tokens have energy conversions so... why not something to convert these into? I'd suggest the same for extra ore bars once all the swords have been purchased. Also, strangely I have 11 demon fetish ears left over... not sure what to do with those...
Post by Marc Levac deleted December 22nd 2012 at 3:27 PM
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