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Codename Entertainment
I don't get it Justin
Post by Cagri Diker deleted November 18th 2012 at 7:38 PM
Lvl 371 "Finder-outer"
579 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 15th 2012 at 9:22 PM
Ruth Orozco
I think you give them the ingredients as you get them and they make dishes as they get them. I use all my energy, then visit a cook and give them what I have until they I run out of whatever they've asked for. Repeat for the other two, then take my tokens to the "store guy" and buy stuff. I haven't really paid attention to if dishes are showing up on the tables as I go, but they must be. So you can do it this way or save up the ingredients and have a marathon cooking spree!
Lvl 212 "Power Player"
277 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 15th 2012 at 9:49 PM
Bill Beard
The "perfect" dishes seem to occur randomly (so far out of the 660 meals I've served I've gotten only 1) and I only just earned the Short Order Cook achievement. I suspect that by having a higher cooking score it 1) decreases the number of 8 item increments you need to turn in to result in making a dish and 2) make the "perfect" dishes more often.

But with the "perfect" dishes, it could just be that 1 out of every X dishes a cook makes will be "perfect."
Lvl 300 "Diamond Finder"
65 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 17th 2012 at 8:45 AM
Toni McChargue
Someone just asked me how to get the Thanksgiving table. When you have enough tokens go to the man selling things and for 10 tokens you can buy the table or something else you might want.
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