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Codename Entertainment

307 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 28th 2012 at 1:53 PM
Dave Stone
Being maxed out only leaves collecting token's. You could have a new quest where the critter's we've captured escape. We could then recapture them by re-doing the 'squares' that they came from.

262 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 28th 2012 at 8:01 PM
Melody October May
Oh, that would be neat. Having to re-do the puzzle to get the critter back, or something like that? Love Dave's idea!

One way to work it would be to raise the level cap again. I'm hoping that, even if we don't see updates, you'll do occasional level cap changes. Perhaps at the point when we get to level 200 or so, we could get a "congratulations, your monsters in the zoo have escaped. Go back and re-capture each one." That would give us a reason to go to each zone from which the monsters originated, and re-do the puzzle. A bunch of quests, with very little to write - just erase all of our monsters!
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