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Codename Entertainment
Star Cut Crystal
Lvl 370 "Loves The Developers"
554 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 25th 2012 at 5:38 AM
Jean Davis
I purchased the Star Cut Crystal(white) then realized it has the same properties and Odds Rating as the Massive Crystal(blue) - Rating: 200...11.3%. I thought new trinkets had improved odds, etc.

So, which supposed to be better - Star Cut or Massive? Why are they the same?
Lvl 260 "Expert Bush Whacker"
307 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 25th 2012 at 7:48 AM
Dave Stone
I expect the Massive Crystal(blue) had higher value's when you obtained it. Trinket's lose value as you advance through the level's.
Lvl 200 "Puzzle Solving Guru"
13 Posts
Link to post - Posted September 25th 2012 at 10:38 AM
Andrew Howes
The Massive Crystal was a combination of three smaller crystals, allowing you to have their benefits in only one slot. The shop crystals have just caught up at this point, but that just means that you can get more gem odds out of two trinket slots than you could before.
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