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Codename Entertainment Forums > Legacy Games > Mystic Guardians > Feature Requests/Suggestions > finding a type of guardian more
finding a type of guardian more
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- Posted September 22nd 2012 at 9:45 PM
Zach PackI hate trying to find a squiddy and its RARE there should be like a item you can buy that makes water types easyer to find for like a hour for each one you buy like 10% better chance to find water types. like red food, green food, and blue food. (color = type) this is so people dont have to look for hours and hours for a rare guardian.
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- Posted September 26th 2012 at 4:13 PM
Lasynda Shichirojiyou can always buy the guardian at the Guardian Centre...
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- Posted October 1st 2012 at 8:51 PM
Zach PackNo i dont want to buy a squiddy for like 50 tokens for only like 1 GYM it seems really unfair. The idea is like pay 5 tokens for some food that makes the % of that type of guardian raise up some like 5% to 10% for limited time. i know that like the heroic's only can be buyed but buying a normal guardian for what to sell it for haif of what you buyed it for REALLY unfair i do say.
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- Posted October 1st 2012 at 8:53 PM
Lasynda ShichirojiI understand your idea hun I'm just saying there are other options. Maybe I can help you with your hunt for it. What was your starting Guardian and where have you been looking?
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- Posted October 2nd 2012 at 1:10 PM
Zach PackI already got 1 this is kinda outdated sorry for not telling well i started with firball sold it for 20 tokens for bhadington area. Bhadington is going to be my new fire unless the creators make a better guardian. Its just i dont want new players to stress on getting a water guardian for the mountains and gym thats all. The idea is kinda stupid with the name "blue food" or somthing i just want new players to get a water guardian easy and hope they dont get a zaat (zaat's arnt good for even a water type i say) sorry you dont have to help me for this outdated thing.
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- Posted October 2nd 2012 at 5:33 PM
Lasynda Shichirojisadly in my observation of most people they will just go buy it with tokens if they can't find it quickly enough. I will say though that having something to attract Guardians of a certain type or even specific ones would be a nifty thing to see maybe make it you can buy it and it works until you find what you wanted in the wild instead of the next 20 fights make it more likely to find. Notice I said find not catch if you fail to capture it while that does suck the gadget did do it's job of finding it.
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- Posted October 6th 2012 at 2:59 AM
Eiyu Yaohanwhere is the Guardian centre?
253 Posts
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- Posted October 6th 2012 at 1:54 PM
Marc KriguerThere's one in every city (New Haven, Vale), Eiyu. The person on the left can heal you, and the person on the right can sell you things or trade with you.
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