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Codename Entertainment Forums > Legacy Games > Bush Whacker > General Discussion > Can't find my treasure chest!
Can't find my treasure chest!
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- Posted December 15th 2011 at 11:38 AM
Megan AldousAny tips? My quest box indicates that I have finished the treasure chest and I should return to it, but I can't find the chest. I have looked in all 9 [Pyramid (1), Mad Scientist's Castle (2), Ancient Caverns (3), the Rabbit Hole (4), Fatefull Balloon ride (5), Maiden's rest (6), Skull Island (7), Haven Crypts (8) and the North Pole (9)] hidden zones (includes the Christmas area) and I can't find the question mark indicating the treasure chest is finished. Does anyone have any other ideas about how to find the chest besides going to to each and every square on the map?
Cheers! |
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- Posted December 15th 2011 at 1:16 PM
RaymondOn your Map, when you turn on 'show active quests', is the name of that Quest Red? You have to check that on every Map. Somewhere it will be Green. Then if you hover your mouse over that quest name, the square it is in will be ceneterd and highlighted.
This feature has been in the game since February. This feature is a life saver for the Giant and the Treasure/Wealth chest. |
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- Posted December 15th 2011 at 2:22 PM
Megan Aldous:O WOW totally didn't know that feature was their and I have been playing since the beta version! lol I appreciate this new knowledge but that still doesn't answer my question. I apologize for my terrible articulation, but I will try to explain it again. After a giant or chest has been completed the player has to return and collect the reward. I think I have a treasure chest reward but I can't find it (I did as you suggested and looked on the map the quest is not listed at all) BUT if I look under the quest button and click on completed quests it lists the treasure as repeatable and if I click on it the game tells me: "share the wealth [then] return to the chest" not you have 1/5 or anything else. The return to the chest part makes me think it is somewhere I need to go, or does this mean I am waiting for it to reappear? Hopefully that is articulated better....
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- Posted December 15th 2011 at 2:47 PM
RaymondOK, that's a different question.
The Giant and the Wealth Chest are 'random' quests that become available again after 3 Days + 20 hours for one and 2 Days + 20 hours for the other. Just because they are available to happen doesn't mean that they will happen, they 'can' happen at any time after that. You CAN make the Giant appear just by walking back and forth between two zones some few hundred times. The Chest is harder to make happen, you have to use up something like 2000 Energy once it's available for it to think about happening. You can sometimes expect to go a few weeks without either happening, and since the Quest log gets cleared out of quests older than 5 days you won't even know it's available. |
6 Posts |
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- Posted December 15th 2011 at 2:57 PM
Megan AldousThats why I am wondering in my quest log why it tells me to "return to the chest[!]" lol Are you saying I can assume tho that if I can't see it in active quests then I am waiting for the chest to reappear and disregard the return to the chest msg?
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- Posted December 15th 2011 at 4:03 PM
RaymondNo, it doesn't say 'return to the chest'.
It says that and means that, with suitable color coding, when the quest is active. But when the quest is in the completed quests and says it's repeatable, or even if it says so many hours before it becomes available those are just the words that describe the quest. The quest description only is a COMMAND when the quest is active and you have something to do in it. Just look at any active Quest in the Quest Log while you are doing it and right before you turn it in and look at any completed quest, repeatable or even one shot in the completed quest log. |
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