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Codename Entertainment
The Multicolored Ball needs a buff I think
Lvl 35 "Gem Collector"
9 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 4th 2012 at 3:20 PM
Jay Bergeron
Currently it's obtained right at the end of the Windy Crest, which in my opinion is pretty far into the game. The modification that it currently offers is: "Nothing wins chance to Energy 5%" meaning upon getting "Nothing", 1/20 of the time it will give you your energy back.

The idea for the trinket is great, but the odds seem far too low. At this stage of the game, it is already possible to have obtained:

Rusty Gear: Nothing Chance rating +10 (combined trinket)
Sparkling Stone: Nothing Chance rating +15 (combined trinket)
Flowered Cornicopia: Nothing Chance rating +40

At this point, I am level 33 and my "Odds to win Nothing" is already -20.2%. The latest item that I got was the Cornicopia which adds -12.5% to that total. If I understand the mechanics correctly, the Multicolored Ball will have its 5% applied AFTER the original roll is already done, meaning it will effectively decrease my odds of wining nothing by 5% OF the remaining 79.8% = an actual effect of about 4% lowered chance to win nothing. This is too weak compared to the other trinkets that are found at this stage of the game.

My suggestion is that it its property odds are increased to 10% or 15% at the discretion of the developers. I would prefer 15 but some may argue that it would be overpowered. Either way I feel it should be increased at the least.
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