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Codename Entertainment
The Carrots

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 13th 2011 at 10:24 PM
Bob Woods
Is it just me or is anyone else havin a bit of trouble seein the carrots when they pop up? I don't notice them and I am finding it hard to see them, so I figured I would "see" , lol pun intended, if anyone else was in a blind panic over it! My screen is clean and visibility is high & I recently had my eyes checked, so I know I am not pulling a Helen Keller. Maybe the carrots just wish to be out of sight out of mind on my computer. It could be I just don't have the needed vision to see their upcoming placement. Now, while I am a looker, that doesn't mean that I may not be snow blind!

17 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 14th 2011 at 12:01 AM
Amanda �rnborg
The carrots appear in a cycle. For me it is every 23 bushes or critters whacked at value 17/18. So I just count in my head and know that there should be one on the screen to collect. Hope this helps you
Good Luck and Keep on Whacking !!

126 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 14th 2011 at 3:21 AM
Pam Glyptis
Even though it's annoying otherwise, I turned my Bush Glow on. :)

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 14th 2011 at 11:21 PM
Bob Woods
Amanda, that is a good way to do it, but last night I was so tired I couldn't count to 4, which would have been 24 bushes through quickwhack, lol.

Pam, I don't think I ever turned mine off, they have always glowed from day 1 for me.

I am a bit more rested today, so I am not having the same difficulty seeing them that I was yesterday. I guess I should have waited a day, lol.

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 16th 2011 at 12:29 AM
Nate Dauer
To the first question:
Yeah, kind of.

I had to turn on the 'glow' feature which I've normally kept off. Even though I did it myself, when the bushes started glowing again I couldn't help but notice how bright they are (of course, I was underground at the time, so everything else appeared dark against them anyways)... :P

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 16th 2011 at 12:43 AM
Bob Woods
You are right Nate, I really noticed how they stand out underground, the contrast really makes the glow more apparent, whereas in the snow I almost lose them, lol.

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 16th 2011 at 8:14 AM
Nate Dauer
I actually felt almost blinded. lol

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 17th 2011 at 12:33 AM
Bob Woods
No kidding, I have to adjust my screen so it isn't so bright when I am in the snowfields. My Christmas areas are running slow, but the rest are moving smoothly, have you had that problem as well Nate?

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 17th 2011 at 12:59 AM
Bob Woods
I just counted bushes between carrots in my play history and I am pulling 32 bushes/monsters for level 17 bushes (my highest that I know of) between carrots. Does that sound right?

187 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 17th 2011 at 9:24 AM
I always have bush glow on but yeah I am finding it hard to see them too.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 17th 2011 at 9:56 AM
The actual amount of Energy that is required to be used is based on your Max Energy Level and is not exactly related to your Max Bush/Beast Size. The Number of Bushes/Beasts is related to that though by simple math. And if one levels up during the collecting of these things like Carrots then your necessary Energy usage and number of Bushes whacked will go up.

The best way to know your number is to count carefully from the first Bush after a Carrot to the next Carrot. And I mean 'carefully'. If you use Mana or Quick Whacks then you have to take into consideration the differing sizes of Bushes/Beasts in a square (17 & 18 for most of the zones I work in). and if you are a member of the BW Club then DON'T use Mana during this counting, you have a 'discount' in Mana usage because of the Club membership. And to truly be exact go to the first square in the game and whack those Value 1 & 2 beasts and Value 1 Bushes.

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 17th 2011 at 9:25 PM
Bob Woods
Hey Raymond, I did just straight whacking, one at a time counting each, then went back into my play history to make certain my count was correct. It came up as 32 whacks between carrots. I am level 115, almost to 116, with 1,375 max energy & currently without a membership to the bushwhacker club. I didn't use any mana or quickwhack when I did the counts. I am pretty sure that during the Thanksgiving event, I was getting a turkey every 4 quickwhacks, which is why it is surprising me that I only have 81 carrots, whereas I had all my turkeys within 5 days. Now mind you, I am not complaining, I am just curious, since it has changed. I did all my whacking/counting on the Summit Path, which so far, I have only seen level 17 bushes/critters. That is the highest level I have open, unless the hidden puzzle has higher, but I haven't whacked any bushes in there yet.

Hey Deborah, sorry to read you are having the same problem as me as far as seeing the carrots, maybe next year the Devs can give us a Waskally Wabbit to point the carrots out to us, lol! Or a glowing neon sign would work for me anyways, but the Wabbit suits my slightly warped sense of humor, lol.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 17th 2011 at 9:54 PM
Different Events, different programming in terms of how much is needed, and a month ago you probable had different Max Energy.

As for the counting, the 'exact' number for you is somewhere between 31 and 32, and only if you whacked Value 1 Bushes after the 31 you'll never know. Does it matter? Perhaps in the long run a savings of 250 value 17 bushes might.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 17th 2011 at 10:10 PM
Oh and when it comes to Valentines day, totally random, unless they change it. You can get 2 things from the same Beast or close together in the same quick whack or 50 whacks apart.

Many people, everyone perhaps except me, hated that aspect of it. I loved the inability to know if one would complete it. I hope they keep it the same way this coming year.

3 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 6:21 AM
Star Hopes
i keep missing the dang carrots coz i dont always see them either..and then i had forgot u have to go over and whack em and cant auto whack spawn stuff. rasie ur hand if u think u should b able to auto whack spawn would make life easier for sure..

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 7:22 AM
It's not supposed to be easy. You are supposed to be diligent. If not then you could program a bot to play the game for you. What fun would that be?

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 18th 2011 at 10:23 AM
Bob Woods
Okay Raymond, that was my mistake, I figured the spawning would stay consistent. It has usually felt the same to me in the past, so I have never counted or anything. Like I said, it isn't a big deal to me, it just got me curious.

Hey Star, yeah, when I first start doing these types of quests, I am usually so set in my routine, that I completely forget to click on the individual thing like carrots, lol. I am personally of 2 minds about that. The part of me that just wants to get in and get out, while stilling winning everything, would like everything that pops up to just be quickwhackable. The other part of me, likes the fact that I have to stop and break my routine. It makes the game more fun for me, by making me take part in it. This is the only game I actually play daily, unless my computer dies or my modem burns out, lol.
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