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Codename Entertainment
Whackin them bushes
Lvl 115 "Puzzle Solving Guru"
13 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 24th 2012 at 10:59 AM
Pc Novice
Just why does this come up so opten? I really slows up the game and I can't understand what it is supposed to do.

Does anyone have a clue?
Lvl 260 "Expert Bush Whacker"
307 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 24th 2012 at 11:56 AM
Dave Stone
It appear's when the connection is slow and re-send's the request.
Lvl 400 "Public Servant"
793 Posts
Link to post - Posted June 25th 2012 at 10:45 AM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)
To further what Dave said, the "Whackin' them bushes" dialog comes up if the game hasn't heard back from the server in 2-3 seconds after you clicked a bush. Ten seconds after that it will resend the request, and ten seconds after that if it still hasn't contacted the server it will say "Request failed to contact server". These dialogs should only really come up in two cases - if you have an intermittent Internet connection (often caused by spotty wireless), or if your computer is too slow such that Flash delays sending the server request. You can mitigate the first issue by using a wired connection, and the second one can sometimes be solved by setting the game quality down (click the gear icon in the bottom-right, then click the big Q for quality, and L for low).

- Justin
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