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Codename Entertainment
What is with the Ranch?`
46 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2011 at 2:26 PM
Matteo Meloira
So I can plant tomatoes...lots and lots of tomatoes. I can then harvest them almost as soon as I've started but I can't figure out the purpose. My gold does not increase from harvesting them. I don't get anything in my inventory from harvesting them, it seems that all I get to do is spend my energy on them.

I also noticed that both the Barn and the Stable have the same graphics as the old Dragon Statue that the Uberfeng is summoned from. It has listed on 0/3 spots filled and 0/6 spots filled on them and I'm not exactly sure the purpose of these. I'm assuming that in Beta release friends will fill the spots but I wanted to ask what the plan was for this.

Also while on the Ranch when clearing trees some simply disappeared after three clicks while others disappeared in parts (a diagonal would disappear, then it would be just the stump, and then that would be cleared). This is not a major glitch and could have even been my browser screwing up not sure.

I also noticed that with the tomato crops they don't die. If this is designed to be a farming aspect to increase your money it would probably be a good idea to have time limits on things like you have in Farmville, My Tribe, Castleville, etc...
793 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 13th 2011 at 9:55 AM
Justin Stocks (CNE Dev)
The Ranch is a huge WIP (work in progress) for the Alpha; I wouldn't pay too much attention to it, as it's full of glitches and there are no fully implemented features.
46 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 13th 2011 at 2:26 PM
Matteo Meloira
haha cool...Just checkin :)

If you want any suggestions about it, let me know :)
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