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Codename Entertainment
need help defeating the evil giant .... big problems!

4 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2011 at 5:57 AM
Chad Mincer
i sent my requests to my friends almost a month ago its still active in my quest log, cant find him anwhere on the map and it says i have to gather 8 friends to help, i get really lost in this game when friends dont help out!any advice how to get ppl to respond to a month old post?

799 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2011 at 6:26 AM
Rebecca Beattie
Find the giant and send out new requests... you can re request every 20 hours... but you might not want to do it quite that often.

Pick up a few game friends from the "Add Me" forum area

To find the giant Open the map and click on "show active quests"
Open one mini map at a time and look to see if the Fee Fi Fo Fum quest turns green in the list.
If not start looking for all the hidden areas that dont show on the map. Bandit areas, transition areas, the freezer. Try looking at areas that didnt have any puzzle monster and see if there is a link to a hidden area. If needed walk each zone to look for links to hidden area...
Raymond has a complete list of hidden areas and it might spark your memory.

Good Luck :)

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2011 at 8:49 AM
Not exactly, I have a list of every square in the game, but I don't really distinguish which ones can spawn things like metal ores and as such the Giant and Chest.

So just look at each of the 9 different Maps to find one where that quest is not Red. If its Red everywhere then you have to look at all squares you have been to that you wouldn't consider 'important' to any zone.
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