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Codename Entertainment
Energy packs
Lvl 43 "Dispenser of Justice!"
2 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 19th 2012 at 8:33 PM
Angela Kinyon
How do i use the energy i've got in my inventory. I tried clicking on it but nothing happened.

Lvl 39 "Is Puzzled"
150 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 20th 2012 at 1:42 AM
Lottie Mytho
There is a green + sign at the left of your energy bar at the top right of the game screen. Click this to bring up the energy store.

In the store you can click USE on the energy packs from friends or buy on the fruit baskets and energy drinks (bush bucks needed for the drinks).

Each option can be scrolled. The energy packs scroll down for you to ask for more friend packs (the FB request form has a BW2 filter in the drop down menu), and scrolls up for other packs you may have (from quests usually). Fruit baskets scroll for the different size baskets and the energy drinks scroll for different size drinks.

You can mouse over the fruit baskets to see how long until you can buy them again (20 hour cool down on each). If you cannot use your packs due to the cool down period, trying to use one will bring up a screen telling you how long till they are available again.
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