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Where is the Wonderous Land?

9 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 9th 2011 at 10:08 AM
Cláudia Boechat
I cant remember where is the entrance...

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 9th 2011 at 8:49 PM
Last Edited December 9th 2011 at 8:54 PM
Nate Dauer
This is the wrong area for "help-me" posts.

More importantly, however, you posted this exact topic here yesterday, and received a helpful reply within 50 minutes. Yet here you are again, asking the same question because you're too lazy to check your own day-old topic (still in plain view on the top page of General Discussion - currently 7th from the top).

[insert expletive for 'individual of sub-average intelligence' here]

579 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2011 at 9:43 AM
Ruth Orozco
whoa, Nate! Dude! Where's the love? And the patience??

@Claudia--when you come to the forums to check answers, click on "View new posts since your last visit"--it's up on the top right of the screen. Then if you look for your original post, 99% of the time you'll have an answer waiting. Make sure to post in the User Support area, because that's where people look for others to help.

Anyway, the entrance I think you're looking for is the Rabbit Hole--it's called just that and it's at the top left of the map. Looks like a hole in the mountain. Don't mind Nate, some of us "old players" get annoyed when certain etiquette isn't followed! Happy whacking!

579 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2011 at 9:45 AM
Ruth Orozco
and the Ancient Caverns is in the zone just to the left of the Rabbit Hole.

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2011 at 11:55 AM
Nate Dauer
Etiquette nothing, posting something, then ignoring the reply you get and posting the exact same thing again is just plain laziness. There's no excuse for it, nor any room for a benefit of the doubt. Claudia was simply too lazy to skim through the already-existing topics at the top of the page to find her own thread which was answered.

Her post is, therefore, spam.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2011 at 12:14 PM
All squares are identified by name when one hovers their mouse over it.
If one can't remember where something is then they could spend about 2 minutes and move their mouse over the 100+ squares on the main Map and find whatever they are looking for. And you know what? You can diminish the number of squares that you have to look at by ignoting ALL the ones that have a percentage in them, those are playable squares not whole zones.

But ask, and ask again and again in here and in the place where help me questions are supposed to go and ignore every answer and so on, go ahead and do whatever you want, but you just won't be playing the zone you are asking about while waiting to not use someones answer.
I just don't get it.

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 10th 2011 at 2:33 PM
Last Edited December 10th 2011 at 2:34 PM
Nate Dauer
She started a 3rd topic:
Post by Ruth Orozco deleted December 12th 2011 at 8:37 AM

799 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 11th 2011 at 4:24 PM
Rebecca Beattie
Nate, some people here will be new to Message Boards. Some are probably children. Some might be burdened with cognitive or emotional difficulties.

I used to have a disease that effected my short term memory. While I had it I was lonely and isolated and I sometimes couldn't remember the ending for a sentence I tried to start. I often couldn't walk 2 blocks and sometimes couldn't drive.

I haven't reviewed this persons posting history. What I do know is that troublesome people are people in trouble... I try to be kind because this is a place I'd like to think welcomes people. You just never know what the other persons life is like.

I know that sometimes I am a bit starchy... And I lost my temper with a real life neighbor the other day. Still, I have the desire to add some kindness in life.

799 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 11th 2011 at 4:28 PM
Rebecca Beattie
PS... I just looked at Claudia and realized that she doesn't always post in English. I think she might have been posting in French. ... but ... I am betting that English is a second language.

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2011 at 1:07 AM
Bob Woods
Seriously, Nate & Raymond, if you are that burned out that you can't be nice, then don't say anything at all. If you view a question as stupid, then ignore it & move on. Don't belittle the person, you don't know that person & you should always treat people with decency. So she posted in the wrong area, who cares, it is a game, get over it! You POLITELY, here it is again POLITELY, ask them not to post here, if that doesn't work, forget about it, you are not the owners, creators or anything else but players. As to not finding something on the screen, yet again, who cares! Do you know if she was tired? Do you know if she was stressed to the breaking point? Do you KNOW even one thing about her as a person? Obviously not, so calm down and next time instead of typing your foot into your mouth up to the knee, click away to another post. Everyone has those "blonde moments" and ya'll coming on here like the friggin Discussion Board Nazi's just ruin's the FUN, yes I said it and here it is again since ya'll obviously forgot it, F-U-N for others. I have said this before and I guess I need to say it again, one of the biggest reasons I joined Bushwhacker over a year ago, was besides the fun of the game, when I came into the discussion boards, the people were nice and HAPPY!!

579 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2011 at 8:41 AM
Ruth Orozco
Well said, Bob and Rebecca!! That's what I implied by "whoa dude", but I'm no good at telling off strangers. I actually sent Claudia a PM, telling her, nicely of course, how to check for answers. I hope she figured out her game question and didn't get scared off. Cheers...

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2011 at 9:26 AM
In I sort of say why all the answers that she was getting were wrong and of no use to her.
She could have made that more clear by saying as such to everyone who gave her an answer.

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2011 at 5:51 PM
Last Edited December 12th 2011 at 5:51 PM
Nate Dauer
Lots of people ask lots of stupid questions.

Some people post in the wrong area sometimes.

Only one person has posted the exact same topic 3 times in less than 2 days.

799 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2011 at 9:54 PM
Rebecca Beattie
Nate... you and I have both done that lol ... and Raymond too lol... in fact this group that tries to help is probably the most repetitive group of posters here lol.. and I will own that... Raymond even copies and pasts from his spread sheet... which i am very grateful to him for doing.

162 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 12th 2011 at 11:20 PM
Bob Woods
Ruth, it was very clear, at least from my point of view, what you were trying to say and I thought you did a good job. I am not telling them off, I am trying to remind them of how people should be treated. I spent a lot of years before I met my wife as a bouncer and doing security for motorcycle events & I have found that if you treat people with basic human decency, it pays off far more in the end than insulting them or treating them as sub-par because they are irritating you. I find it hilarious that people get so worked up over a game's discussion board where you literally CHOOSE what you read & reply to.

Yes Raymond, she could have been more clear, but since she hasn't replied to those posts & continues to make new posts on the same issue, it would seem very likely that she doesn't know how a discussion board works. She may be sitting there waiting for a notification to pop-up on her facebook page that someone has answered her question, yet when no such thing happens, she pops into the board and sees other posts by other players, so not wanting her post to get overlooked, she keeps re-posting in hopes of someone seeing it and helping her.

Nate, do you know this woman? I really want to read THAT answer. It doesn't matter how many times she posts the same question, since she has not come back to reply, she may not know or understand how this discussion board works. Even if she is dumber than dirt, she still has the right to play the game without being treated like a lesser being. Maybe, she has read other posts where you come across as a friggin Discussion Board Nazi and decided just to tick you off since it quite often seems as if the Smith misplaced one of his Iron Bars in your vicinity. If you find a question stupid, keep that to yourself, if it bugs you so much when they post in the wrong area, be polite and if her posting the same question 3 times in less than 2 days is creating so much chaos in your life, then walk away from the screen, do not pass go, do not collect $200, and learn to let it roll off your back. Things like this, [insert expletive for 'individual of sub-average intelligence' here], really are not called for.

You know, the other day, I posted in the feature request about wanting a feature that would allow me to opt out of the House Decorating Contest, I came back and saw a comment by Raymond and at first glance, it irritated me. I was about to write a reply telling him where to get off, then I stopped. I realized I was in a bad mood & I might be misinterpreting Raymond's comment. So I relaxed, re-read it and answered as if he was politely asking me, for I realized, he very well might just want to understand my reasoning for wanting such a silly little thing. It is a silly feature to want & it would appear to be sheer laziness on my part, but it is simply me wanting something to maximize my time playing these games. Once you have your initial emotional response, step back and apply simple logic before you click the send button, it might keep you from tasting what is on the sole of your shoe.

185 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 13th 2011 at 6:05 AM
Monica Dykeman
Seems to me this forum needs a REAL moderator. I have never, even when Raymond was at his best, seen such rude, nasty, mean responses to someone who may or may not be an English speaker. For heavens sake Nate, BUTT OUT!

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 13th 2011 at 8:24 AM
One other thing we need is only 'one' forum, not FOUR.
The idea of separating 'categories' of posts is nice but has never worked here. People still post statue give-aways right here instead of the 'add me' location.

But what would a moderator do here? Delete whole topics? Delete whole replies? Move topics to where they belong. All of that will not stop that one person from asking her question dozens of times. How many times have you posted a question or made an answer and facebook or some delay made it look like you never did it?

P.S. Statue giveaways and add me's really should go on the game wall since there at least you can get someones facebook ID number and send friend requests.

p.p.s. This person also asked her question there and got answers. But like all answers they were totally wrong for her at the point where she was.

So yes, add a moderator. Remove all but one forum. Don't move topics around if you will not be consolidating forums. Perhaps make the game wall more easily reachable. Possibly in the ONE forum have the moderator (a full time employee I bet it will have to be) flag graphically what each topic is, kind of like the currently meaningless categories.

799 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 13th 2011 at 8:41 AM
Rebecca Beattie
I am hoping for a "Search" ability.

I always find it amusing that the regulars on a messageboard (and I mean most boards I have been on) break certain "rules" of posting etiquette and and have no apparent awareness of doing it; then so often the same people get upset when a "New" person posts in a different way. Here we are, 5 of the most active posters, having a lively discussion that is completely OT. AND Our OT topic is "Proper" use of this Message Board. I am amused, bemused confused... ok maybe there is a song here....

And as to the thread originator Claudia, I was looking forward to getting to know her. I was hoping we could coax her out and get to know her... I thought "here is a different voice" maybe she lives somewhere I can dream of traveling to....

I can remember playing a MMORPG (ok hope I got all the letters in)and chatting with a Chinese Player. His english was iffy and it was highly likely that he was a gold farmer and breaking the game rules as a job. It was my opportunity to meet someone I wouldn't normally ever get to meet.

I'm betting that Claudia and I have alot more in common and yet I do wish sshe had stayed here... Claudia, if you are lurking... Hi \\\\\ ///// \\\\\\

So Where is the "Wonderous Land" I know this thread has me feeling like I am in wonderland... just slipped through the mirror lol

741 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 13th 2011 at 6:38 PM
Nate Dauer
I'm fairly certain Claudia didn't read any of the above. She posted this topic roughly 24 hours after the first topic, at that time, her first topic would have HAD to been visible on her computer (since it couldn't have been any lower than 6th to the top - it was a slow day for the forums). If she missed that, she can't be paying much attention to what she's doing here. And if that's the case, then honestly, Ruth's PM is probably the first reply she's aware of.

The 'good old days' weren't all that good, Bob, I was a lurker for a long time on the discussion boards and I remember the constant bickering over who was number one on the charts and who was employing what cheat to get there.