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Codename Entertainment
keep bushbuck friends or new bushwahckers club
Lvl 113 "Vanquisher of Evil!"
4 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 25th 2012 at 9:41 PM
Drink Moxie
i like a lot of people hate being that asshat who constantly sends out game requests to my FB friend's . It was one of the reason's i liked BW1 i didn't need to annoy everyone on my friend list with request's every few minutes i am sorry to see that is not the case in BW2. so the first log i used my BW bucks to buy friends then i came to the next log and i see i need 5 friends now. i don't want to bug my friends with requests and since i imagine this is gonna be a regular thing every few levels it's gonna gost a lot of money to buy my way through the game. I know you are not just making games for fun you need to make money so you can produce newer games and content so you need support from us spending real money on Bush Whacker bucks and what not. i have two suggestions one let me keep my previously bought friends every time i come to a new log if i only have to buy 1 or 2 new people i don't mind so much, or add a feature like the bush wacker club i buy a 1 month or multi month pass and then let me buy a trinket that let's me pass the log's i know i wouldn't mind paying a the equivalent of a few bucks a month to keep playing
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