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Codename Entertainment
reached end of alpha?
11 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 3rd 2011 at 3:44 PM
Jason Holicky
after beating the master, he says to go to vale. however the truck and furniture is in the way. i finished all the quests... so i guess besides leveling up, i have reached the end of the alpha. So here are my thoughts about the game.

I love the wide screen view of the game. i play on 22" monitor, looks great. Navigation is a little difficult, would like keyboard arrows for navigation to make getting around easier. use the ESC key to close popup windows.

Noticed that treasures reset randomly.. not sure if this should be happening or not. I would think you could only get each treasure 1 time. Transporter by "ranch" allows you to teleport anywhere for free. other ones require a battery. it would be nice if the teleporter could be enabled in the fairgrounds. getting around quickly is important. Especially for areas that are finished.

I went back to fairgrounds, but cop doesn't let you get treasure, though i have the star badge.

once i found the "Bacon crate" with unlimited jelly beans, that made the energy issue go away.. but before that the game seemed to be slow moving and waiting for energy was a little painful.

when in battle mode... the game seems to move a bit slow. I wish i could click the mouse to finish the action and allow me to move on faster.

computer guardians seem to "buff up" a lot, instead of attacking. Sometimes buffing the whole battle. This makes some of the battles really easy. I would think 1 buff is good, then the rest attacks.

I am not sure i understand why you can capture the same guardian twice. If i have 1 mooky, why would i want two of them..

would like a zoom in / zoom out on world map to understand the bigger picture.

After battle, waiting for XP to rack up was a little long. would like to see this happen faster.

When working on a quest to "beat" the other guardian masters... would like to see some indication on the map. was a pain to walk around and look for who i didn't beat already.

would like the ability to re-battle guardian masters you have already beat. this would help you level up rather than fighting just 1 wild one at a time.

would like to see ability to purchase extra "daily energy".

Overall I really enjoy the game. reminds me of final fantasy and pokemon a little bit. i can't wait to see it evolve just like bushwacker. keep up the great work!! look forward to this one going LIVE :)
886 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 3rd 2011 at 4:51 PM
David Whittaker (CNE Dev)
Hi Jason,

Thanks for the great feedback.

To answer some of your questions:

Treasures do reset after a given amount of time, our plan is to also reset trainers gaurding them.

We do think the battles are a bit slow and will be working on making them more streamlined and faster.

There is some balance to work out with the guardian AI buffing too many times.

Capturing the same monster twice may make sense if you wanted to be really strong in a given element for some theoretical future battle :) but even if that doesn't occur having the freedom to capture the same monster type more than once isn't a problem.

A big world map is on the list.

11 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 3rd 2011 at 6:09 PM
Jason Holicky
Awesome! Thanks David for your response! Keep up the great work. Your games are the best!
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