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Codename Entertainment
Re-start/Re-set Character

5 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 11th 2011 at 2:46 PM
Brandon Gates
Some other games have a re-set character stats option. So that leads me to this suggestion/request:

Have the ability to erase your character and start completely over! (After many prompts to prevent accidental deleting of course.) Other games even make your pay to do this with their special in-game currency. So this could also be for a "Bushbucks" premium of some kind.

I don't know (or understand) why people like to restart, they just do. So this option might be a good alternative for them. Of course I would limit something like this to like once a month to prevent beefing up your friends by re-starting and giving them fragments and friend-quest help.

Just an idea. :)

8 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 12th 2011 at 11:21 AM
Krzysztof Szymoniak
well that wolud be bad idea , cuz of mean peaople that might reset chars that they train for someone else , also i dont see resons for it :o

132 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 13th 2011 at 9:46 AM
Marleen Larik
One reason would be to populate the bushwhacker wiki or any help site. Right now, unfortunately, once you have solved a quest, the quest texts and any other info are lost to you forever. You will never be able to re-trace your steps, which is why Bushwhacker has no really good help site, like other games have where resetting is a feature.

Second reason is that I think it is unlikely for any game to continue to grow with level numbers continuing to rise. We had the problem before (too high numbers in getting bonus fruit/mana/power messing with the balance, as all the formulae had been designed for lower levels). One approach to this is to just let the game grow forever and tweak it here and there; another would be to allow people (even reward them!) to start over. See Kingdom of Loathing as an example where it works really well.

14 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 21st 2011 at 12:48 PM
Daniel Henderson
I like the idea of a reset your character option expect i would make it so that when you reset you character you would get keep all your gold and gems you have earned as well as any seasonal items you also earned. I would then erase any items that are quest related. It just wouldn't be any fun if you suddenly started the game over with all the doors unlocked

1 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 21st 2012 at 7:29 PM
Jennifer Humphrey
I'd like to reset my character completely just because I haven't played in a long time and I really don't know what is going on with all the changes. I'd rather just start completely over instead of trying to remember where I was and trying to figure out where to start again.

44 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2012 at 4:26 AM
I would like to reset mine because, like pokemon, you can only run in circles with nothing to do for so long before you give up. I literally have nothing to do (I have daily quests but well, been there done that 20,000 times) until there is another update. If I could start over, even if it meant loosing everything I have (seasonal items, jems, money) I think I could actually enjoy the game again.

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2012 at 7:49 AM
Last Edited March 22nd 2012 at 7:50 AM
Ha Ha, the internet itself has not been in existence 20,000 days.
I will NEVER reset my character. I spent a lot of hard work from beta testing to get it from ranked somewhere on page 100 or more to be 22'th and edging closer towards 1'st place but that's actually going to be impossible.

Anyone wanting to enjoy the game again, just create another instance. I'm using my nieces facebook account. My second me is just over Level 50 and it's been about 7 weeks. I could have advanced much faster but I'm taking my time. Have not upgraded from 1 Energy every 5 minutes. Buy the absolute minimum of stuff such as the things to open some gates and making mana work where I am. And I'm not completely getting every CI in every square, far from it, I only get the jigsaw puzzle and puzzle monster everywhere. Plus I don't waste any energy at all on repeatable quests other then the first time. Well I had done sme a few times so as to be able to turn in fishing tokens and island feathers once each... And don't participate in any holidays or do museum maps... Just the core game.
The game is quite fun when taken so slow.
And I still play my main account. I still need to win a diamond or 2 and a couple emeralds. There are a few achievements I want to complete... And I think 100 million gold might be fun to have.

126 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2012 at 1:58 PM
Pam Glyptis
I'd never reset my Character. I've worked too hard for too long to make it as far as I am and to acquire everything that I have in the form of Achievements, gold and gems and such, though I am not maxed out yet, so I don't know the feeling of doing the repeatable quests and not earning any XP for them. I can only imagine how that aspect of maxing out must feel. I would think that you must have enjoyed the repeatable quests in some ways, while you were working towards maxing out and being at 100% on your map, it's the nature of the game in the first place. How and why would restarting the game make it more enjoyable if you're tired of doing the same quests repeatedly? You'd have to repeatedly do these very same quests if you did start over in order to level up. I am getting closer though, at Level 137 now, and when and if I ever do manage to max out, my goal will be to work on the Achievements, plus setting a few for myself that aren't actually in the game, I already have a couple of ideas in mind for that. So, even after maxing out, I'd still never want to reset my Character and start over from scratch. Raymond is working on collecting all of the details and such that a lot of us have forgotten, so hopefully when he does complete that goal for himself, he'll be able to offer that info to set up a proper Wiki-type thing that does contain all of those details and info. There's so many details that I can't remember, making it so that I can't answer certain questions for people here on the Forum, so am looking forward to that for sure. And, Justin has already said that they will be adding more content into the game with a new update that will be sometime in the near future too. Just an idea to think about, but maybe those of you who would like to reset and start over could just take a little break from the game, and relieve your boredom with it that way, then you might be able to enjoy it again as much as you used to. I've also never understood why some people rush so much to complete an update as fast as they can, only to become bored with the game. Take your time with the new updates that we do get instead, and enjoy them for as long as you can. There's always something to do, and work towards in this game if you look for it. As far as being actually rewarded for starting over, I think that sounds completely wrong to do, you should never be rewarded for giving up on a game just in order to start it again, we've all had to work to earn everything we do have. If you want to start over, you start over with nothing, just like you had the first time.

151 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 22nd 2012 at 3:44 PM
Jen Lyons
There are some games where a reset makes sense, like I was away from Gnome Town for a couple of months, and now it's so full of weeds and garbage that I would be happy to just wipe the slate and start with nothing.

I can't see starting completely over in this game (it's possible to create a new account) but maybe at some point it would be possible to have maxed characters restart with some perks or being able to play a different "class" or something. Not sure how that would work, though, since this game isn't really set up that way to begin with.
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