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Codename Entertainment
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Lvl 74 "Nate's Apprentice"
741 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 19th 2012 at 12:41 AM
Last Edited May 8th 2012 at 11:14 AM
Nate Dauer
Hey! Remember me making this thread on the Mystic Guardians forums? No? OK, well, that's alright. Anyways, I figured I'd do the same here...

Day 1: 10 Gold
Day 2: 2 Agates
Day 3: 20 Gold
Day 4: 1 Aquamarine
Day 5: 30 Gold
Day 6: 2 Aquamarines
Day 7: 4 Bush Bucks
Day 8: 10 Gold
Day 9: 2 Agates
Day 10: 20 Gold
Day 11: 1 Aquamarine
Day 12: 30 Gold
Day 13: 2 Aquamarines
Day 14: 4 Bush Bucks
Day 15: 10 Gold
Day 16: 2 Agates
Day 17: 20 Gold
Day 18: 1 Aquamarine
Day 19: 30 Gold
Day 20: 2 Aquamarines
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