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Codename Entertainment
Mini-Event: Bubble Buddies Update 4
3439 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 23rd at 10:56 AM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)

Bea's visiting from the Far Far Ranch and has brought three Bubble Buddies to see if they'll thrive in Bushwhackia. Will you help her before her and her buddies say farewell?

This mini-event is a limited-time opportunity to earn unique rewards and hatch additional eggs!

Check out more information on the Blog!
4 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 24th at 9:57 AM
How do we get the DNA needed to get the eggs? I only have one uncommon DNA and can't do anything with it, therefore I am stuck unable to progress in the event.
7 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 24th at 2:26 PM
If you have excess pets, you can release a couple for DNA at PAGAS, and then trade-up if necessary to get uncommon DNA.
4 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 24th at 6:37 PM
Thank you! I just recently rediscovered this game after about a decade so I am still a lower level and currently do not have any pets.
1845 Posts
Link to post - Posted August 25th at 10:40 AM
Last Edited August 26th at 4:50 AM
I was going to suggest whacking up a current generation egg but it appears that we can't use them for instantly hatching eggs in this event. I found the following post on the CNE forum by Nick.

Posted August 28th 2023 at 12:02 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
James ~ Unfortunately you can only get a current generation egg in your inventory either by buying one from Misty or from PAGAS. When you find one for the quest, it doesn't technically enter your inventory. Very sorry for this confusing edge-case.

The feature is much more useful for hatching eggs from past generations.

Given the feedback so far, I will consider opening it to PAGAS variation eggs for the next Bubble Buddies mini-event.
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