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Codename Entertainment
Add Some Way To Put Runes On Hold?
5 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 23rd at 2:42 PM
Last Edited February 23rd at 2:43 PM
I just got started on the Salt Desert Quest Hub, and now I'm looking at 10+ days of not being able to progress in the game due to the once a day things to do in the hub. I've done all the secret bonus areas and Nate/Kaine quests as I have encountered them.

So, my runes that I carefully crafted up to 27-30 days each are basically going to have a ton of time taken off of their effectiveness as time passes, without me getting the benefit of the runes other than the limited time I'll be able to play each day.

Can there be a way to perhaps swap a sword rune and have the current one go back into your inventory, and have the remaining time retained until you put that rune back in? There'd certainly be other times where this could be useful, like taking a vacation and not being able to play, etc. Or you get a cool new sword you want to use, but can't because you cannot transfer it to a different sword.

Anyhow, thanks for listening, I hope this is something that can be addressed.
678 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 27th at 8:34 AM
This has been a popular request. It would be nice to have runes not expire or time out if they aren't actively equipped.
3217 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 4th at 12:12 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
Yes, this and similar requests around runes have been regular suggestions, and are something I'm considering for the next quality of life update.

It's important to also see the value in doing the daily hub quests between the waits for the story quests! They contribute to the completion of the hub area via the achievements associated with them, as well as are the only way to earn hub tokens to spend in the store, which is also required for an achievement to complete the hub area.
5 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 4th at 12:17 PM
Yeah, I have been doing Explorer's Tent items, Skerbak puzzles, and Cera Altapetl pet quests as they come up. On the bright side, I'm almost at Cenote, so I'm guessing there will be much more to do there...
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