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Codename Entertainment
Upgrade to Christmas Event (Snowball Fight)
93 Posts
Link to post - Posted January 4th at 12:11 PM
Currently on the Snowball fight you have to throw, and hit, 30 snowballs.

I think it would me the task more enjoyable and interactive if when you get hit with a snowball, you lose a point.

The player throws and hits 5 opponents for 5 of 30. But then gets hit with a snowball for a loss of 1 point, now 4 or 30.

Right now it's just a 30 click process to finish the task.
3397 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 4th at 11:02 AM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
That's a neat idea to turn it into more of a competition with the other snowball fighters!
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