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New Content: Pasture Update & Barn Battle Community Quest!
174 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 18th at 5:24 PM
good questions zebra fan !!! HKE
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 19th at 9:19 AM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
Feeding a mount still unfortunately requires the mount be equipped, and then the feed used from your inventory. So you'll have to remove the mount from the pen to feed it. This will reset the current kibble eating timer, so I suppose you could try to time it early in the next kibble interval. Not great, I know. Sorry for the inconvenience!
13 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 27th at 1:26 AM
Last Edited May 27th at 1:27 AM
Ech... I've had so much hope for the "pet zoo" feature and it was utterly crashed... sadly.
It was a good idea, with one of the worst implementations I've ever seen. :(

Only 2 pens to start with and what? 800 B$ for 2 more?...
And it's one pet and 1 mount. Try counting how long will it take for them to get to that magical lvl 40...

Second expansion, that I guess adds 2 (YAY!) more pens requires 15 mounts at lvl 40...
Leveling mounts is so much fun I have ever got 2 mounts to level 40 - Camel as I had to for quest and the one I'm using everyday. Considering how fast leveling in the barn pens takes, it will be years for me to get 15 mounts @ lvl 40...

All that, sadly, means that for me barn feature will be one of the least interesting and used...

One simple change could make it better though - when we put pet/mount in the pen, ALL pets/mounts of that type (like all bats, camels, etc) levels up. Still takes a lot of time but it's not for 1 (!) pet...

As a side note, all that was happening in the game lately is making me less and less invested in the game... I'm not even playing it on daily basis any more... and I don't feel bad about it. :(
479 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 27th at 9:21 AM
Yes, Bushmasta, this barn feature feels like a big waste of time and resources to me, too. I agree that it isn't worth messing with. I have been playing for 3591 days, and lately paying for the VIP features. I do like the VIP bonuses in the special events, but pretty disappointed with this new pasture and barn. I also am feeling less invested in this game. I can purchase games elsewhere, pay once and then play them as long as I want without having to put in extra cash to get the good items/features.
390 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 27th at 12:14 PM
Last Edited May 27th at 12:41 PM
..@@@ zebrafan

Zebra...take mount out of pen, equip it,, then feed, then put back in pen, AND I think the
kibble will be affected if you dont get it back in time before next watch the time for the next feed.before you take mount out for different my understanding of it...good luck.
ALso..the xp earned of that mount is not affected if it is the same mount..
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 29th at 1:59 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
This Pasture/Barn update is only a piece of our previous "Pet Zoo" concept discussed in the past years. Many other features were discussed and may yet still get added in a future update. This Pasture/Barn update had two focused goals:

The Pasture was an answer to folks requesting more spaces to add their pets and mounts to that have been cluttering their ranch and islands.

The Barn and Training Pens were for folks not wanting to unequip their favourite pets in order to train others, be it for DNA or another whacking pet.

I hope that puts the update more in perspective.
390 Posts
Link to post - Posted May 30th at 9:02 AM
@ Nick....YOU do have a point as stated....above....BUT I still think it will take more time too level pets/mounts...IMO..just saying.
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