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Codename Entertainment
Energy Regen Bug?

4 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 27th 2012 at 6:32 PM
Calvin Cheung
I have encounter a problem in the system energy regen.
Whenever I get a great loot, which I got a message to prompt me to "Share" or "OK"
When this loot window is up, my energy regen seems to be stopped and no energy is regened

I noticed this when I just get a loot(using the last energy) and afk for a while
When I come back, I still have 0 energy
Hope you can spot the problem and fix it

5565 Posts
Link to post - Posted March 27th 2012 at 7:05 PM
I'm sure that is not a bug, and what you are seeing is not totally right.
So as an experiment, the next time you have a 'share' popup open, or have the Map open, or have the Quest Log open, things which I think take total 'focus' away from the game, immediately after closing that go to another square, or talk to a character, and I bet your Energy has instantly grown to what you expect.
You see, the growth is on 'their' servers, and your computer has absolutely no effect on that, but your computer can totally make the knowledge of that lag behind until your computer 'refreshes'.
I will check that out myself when I have some time.
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