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Q&A 24 - April 28th, 2021
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:35 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
FishyIsUnique wrote:

I want to bring up a quick suggestion...
Someone might want to proofread the instructions when registering for the forums... Or not. It is nice to know you Devs are only humans too ;D

Are you referring to "registeration"? Haha! I've poked Justin about it. Thanks :)
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:38 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
FishyIsUnique wrote:

oh, I also am begging you to allow us to use all of our inventory to be made available for use on our mini-golf courses, Please.
I purchased a bunch of items from the events over the years, specifically for use on my mini-golf course. Only to discover, I wasted my bbs. Now, these items sit in my inventory, useless...:(

Sorry to hear that! I don't know if there's any big concern with adding all ranch items to the mini golf course, but I haven't had time to dig into that.

Currently, I'll add them on a case-by-case basis. So feel free to submit a support ticket or email with a list of the items you think should be able to go on the mini-golf course, and I'll take a look at them.
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:41 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
nessianhound wrote:

Is there any thought for additional trinket set slots? Having the 5 makes things much faster, but it would be nice to have a few more.

Also, could you add the option to use more than 1 but less than All of a given energy item? Even if it was a shift+click or similar to use 5 at at time, that would make using them near a level-up much faster, since the energy pack menu has to load after each use.

I can consider adding more. Could you detail what you'd use the additional slots for?

I can see the utility in using more but not all your energy items. I'll note this down to consider.
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:44 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
AquireWhite wrote:

Thank you for adding the Chat Rooms in the Desktop application.
Question, would it be possible to set a default start room? I don't always want or need to be in the CNE Room 1 and would like the option to "land" in another room upon login. Less crowded ;)

It's possible, but I'm not sure how much work it would be. I totally see the appeal of the idea, and players have suggested a similar idea for the Amicus multiplayer rooms. I'll note it down to consider!
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:47 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
1didisafe wrote:

the possible to purchase pets/mounts from the past in mini-event-store is very nice. but.. 300 bucks? really? i wonder if anyone paid this huge amount of 300 bucks per mount..

It is a fair bit of Bush Bucks, but these mounts are originally sold in premium package deals. Plus, mounts are more powerful than pets, so the Bush Buck costs reflects that.
48 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:52 PM
i understand what you say.. i'll wait for a sale then :)
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:55 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
ajv1 wrote:

1. There are other places in the game where you will need to choose to lose your original mount or pet in order to get a skin or change to a completely different mount or pet. If you are collecting all, then you just have to bite the bullet. I miss some of the original ones, though.

2. I would like to be able to combine the flux trinkets in order to make them more powerful, kind of like what we did with Michael. The only set I do not have is the first set because I dusted it. I would like to be able to get that set again if possible.

1. Could you list the ones you're missing in particular?

2. You dust the trinkets to upgrade your flux Super Trinket, doing something similar to what you're saying. Every new area update comes with a new set of Flux Trinkets, so the trinkets from past fluxes aren't intended to stay relevant to your level.
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:57 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
1didisafe wrote:

Nick, do you plan a pet-sale coming in soon?

We typically do a Spring Pet/Mount Sale, so you can expect one!
48 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 2:58 PM
very good. thank you :)
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 3:07 PM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
Okay folks, this is all I have time for, thus concluding this week's forum Q&A! Thank you for the questions, feedback, and discussion! I hope those quietly reading this afterwards find it informative.

Hope to see you in the game chat this Friday at 2 PM Pacific time!
Post by 1didisafe deleted April 28th 2021 at 3:32 PM
68 Posts
Link to post - Posted April 28th 2021 at 4:53 PM
Nick, answering your question from above:
MOUNTS - 1. You lose the Blonde Unisus to get a Dark Unisus skin.

2. Need to buy several Camels to have one with fez, one with slippers, one for cargo.
3. Michin Serpent- Have to have a new one each time for each different skin if you want to keep a skin. I am not sure if you can put a skin over a skin, cuz never tried it.

4. Tyranasaurus Rex - Need to buy 2 from store if you want one with skin and one without.

PETS - 1. Raccoon shows as one item but need to have 4 of them if you want to have all 4 outfits.
2. Panda Claw - I made the mistake of selling one in order to get DNA because then years later, we were able to change the color on them. They only show up as one item though.
3. Sloths were offered in different colors, but only show up as one item.
4. Culpeo, Viscacha, and Vicuna are lost when they are changed. Vicuna to Bony Vulture was the most dramatic change there.

I would like to see a way to toggle the skins and outfits "on" an "off" if that would be possible. Same with the color changes.
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