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Codename Entertainment
Idea for Friend whacks and Casino playing
763 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 2nd 2021 at 2:23 AM
Russel Denton
so this is long overdue and is needed,

so currently for the friend whack we can do 1 at a time, but i reckon if we can do 5 at once or even 10 at once it might be easier for players to use the friend whacks

now for the casino we can only spin one at a time currently, so like for the friend whack idea we could spin 5- 10 times at once

happy to hear folks thoughts

from Russel Denton A.K.A Wildlifeguru007/Ghostrider007
305 Posts
Link to post - Posted February 4th 2021 at 11:05 AM
Kate (aquafishy)
I know the friend whacks can either be like mana whacks, or energy whacks, so I wonder what the would do to the energem if it's equipped, having the friend whacks go multiple times.
Re the casino whacks, we already are able to spend 1, 5, or 10 of what we're using to whack, but agree this would be a nice feature.
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