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Codename Entertainment
Suggestion for in game popup straw poll
305 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 30th 2020 at 12:26 PM
Kate (aquafishy)
Hi Nick, I know there was a forum discussion about a spoiler room - but it's still a contentious issue for many. Perhaps more people would prefer the room functions be switched - that is, that all game chat including new content spoilers should be allowed in the primary room, CNE room 1, and that folks looking for social content only should be in room 2.
I understand a lot of people who have an opinion don't even come to the forum, so I suggest an in game popup with a simple yes or no answer on the issue to determine the preference of the majority.
Kind regards,
63 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 30th 2020 at 4:37 PM
Hi Kate, I get where people are coming from but my opinion is it is all just too ridiculous. Game chat is just for that game chat which includes all aspects of the game. My real concern is the bullying that goes on when someone does answer a question as most just reply automatically to a question. ie I do not stop and think OH WAIT !!! I must go to a spoiler room as some are arguing that anything asked about the game and answered is a spoiler....see why I think it is ridiculous!?!? Also it is not a rule to use the spoiler room if you are on the DL ,and what if it was and someone answered a question all the petty reporting that goes on already.....Would they get penalised chat ban ,a warning etc. Personally I think sp/ would be better as if you wanted to see the answer you could if they clicked on your name they would see it . I do not want the wwhisper aspect though as a lot of bullying and filth was said using that on Kong and when they forget to use the w/ boy did people cause a ruckus. Just my thoughts on this topic.
305 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 1st 2020 at 1:54 AM
Kate (aquafishy)
Yeah, I think if I come back to chat, I'll just stick to room 2.
372 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 1st 2020 at 2:17 PM
What I think we need is a proper debate about what constitutes a spoiler. Is helping someone with rune crafting? What if it's for the alchemy certification? Do we mind the location of SBA1 being given in chat? Most of us have done the AI treasure hunts and trivia quiz so many times do they matter if they're answered?

New content is a particular challenge with everyone trying to do the same thing and some needing more help than others. Once everyone is on the desktop client after this month I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for such discussion to happen in the spoiler room. When EL6 launched I closed chat until I'd finished but that meant I wasn't available to help with other questions. Should we have a designated period where all discussion of new content happens in the spoiler room? How long should that be? Mini events are very short, just the first 48 hours for them? Explorers' League has typically taken three weeks at least, quest hubs take ages.

Spoiler tags which hide text should be the answer but people have to use them. We had whispers on Kong but people would still post spoilers for all to see.

The vast majority of people who play this game are adults, it really should be possible for everyone to behave fairly so everyone can enjoy playing.
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