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Infini-whack feature poll! The developer is seeking feedback!
27 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 3rd 2020 at 9:09 AM
I'm ambivalent on this one. While it would be nice to not have to sit and click at the casino or click to fish in some areas, I don't really see the *need* for an auto-clicker in BW2.

I suppose I just don't see that it would add anything positive to the gameplay experience-- but I never understood the importance of looking at anyone's ranking because being higher ranked than someone else in any game is *not* the reason I play the game in the first place. I play because I enjoy the game.

If I really had to cast a vote on this issue, it would have to be 'no'.

2 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 3rd 2020 at 11:04 AM
Lori Bokanoski
It would be nice to have to the choice. As long as we can turn it off and on as we see fit, I say YES
336 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 3rd 2020 at 11:21 AM
same here.
390 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 3rd 2020 at 12:14 PM
Last Edited November 3rd 2020 at 6:50 PM
The orginal A-Clicker post has been totally misconstrued.

The info there ALSO relates about the '''40-70 million''' score per day to obtain higher ranks in as little as two odd months. And an A-Clicker will not attain the latter by itself.

I play BW2 a very challenging game indeed manually and will continue to do so.

I vote NO!!!
BTW: I have arthritis in right hand, BUT I use a glove/wrist band with great success.
73 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 3rd 2020 at 1:54 PM
Glenna Howell
I do think it would be ok, exactly as Lori said. As long as we can turn it off. No big deal.
372 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 3rd 2020 at 3:54 PM
I continue to disagree strongly with the suggestion that auto-clickers are "unfair" or "cheating". They are available to anyone and the skill is in building your trinkets, runes & companions to maximise your whacking. I say that managing those things is as important as managing your energy/mana/power levels.

I can see the merit in having this as an accessibility feature. Several people here have mentioned problems with their hands and I know there are others. For that reason alone the idea deserves consideration.

Some thoughts on implementation:

I assume the intent is to auto-whack in one place rather than auto-progress. That means to move through new areas, solve puzzles, participate in events and complete quests would still require player involvement. This is not an idle game so that's the only way it makes sense to me.

It needs to be adjustable for different preferences/builds. My thought is three "helper slots" and three "helpers". Whichever of the mana or energy helper is in the first slot that resource is used first, the other is only used if its helper is equipped. Power whacks are only used if the power helper is equipped. I think that accounts for all the "convert X to Y" options.

Will it handle stop-and-whacks and pop-ups? There's little point if the clicker stops after a few rounds because it found a moonstone.

You might as well add auto fishing & gambling while you're at it.
51 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 3rd 2020 at 6:22 PM
As one of the people with arthritis, a lot of days playing this game is a pure pain and so i do very little towards playing and sometimes just read chat. i have looked into using an autoclicker but haven't started seriously looking for one, but in the last couple of days as it gets colder...i realize i am going to have too, so Nick your suggestion is a timely one, so i say forcefully YES!

I need this to continue playing daily, because there are so many dang things to click in this game. yes i would love to customize it according to my build, and maybe if it included the casino i'd finally get the last two puzzle pieces to finally solve that puzzle for the very first time, and i would totally love to buy X amount of bait and let it automatically fish for me.

To the naysayers, i say this: i'll gladly trade you my hands for yours. just another way of saying walk a mile in another person's shoes.
305 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 3rd 2020 at 11:57 PM
Kate (aquafishy)
I guess my question is, "What is spurring this discussion?" Is it primarily rankings? If so, make the auto click option for folks who want to use it, Make it optional for those who don't - who want to explore and click for fun, and ditch rankings.
Am I missing any other reasons people want or don't want an auto clicker? Educate me!
763 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2020 at 12:54 AM
Russel Denton
Since my initial response to this topic (page 4 halfway down the page), I have been following it to see what has been said and one thing caught my attention, which led to this idea I have and it is as follows:

It has been stated that some players have medical problems like arthritis and such which causes pain and such on the hands, why not make the auto-clicking option just available to those who need it for medical reasons, and the rest of the players go without, in due saying that I reckon the following should be done to help players out though, they are:

- make runes not expire while that sword is not in use
- have multiple spin option on the casino because spin one every time is a pain
- implement something where our friend whacks can be used without clicking every time to use it

happy to hear folks thoughts
336 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2020 at 1:29 AM
305 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2020 at 1:47 AM
Kate (aquafishy)
Actually, after further consideration, it might be time to bring up an option I suggest several years ago, especially once everyone has ported to the new platform. Why can't we just opt out of being listed in the rankings if we choose to do so? Is it possible to put a toggle on/off button on our CNE page, and code so that we can opt out of being listed in the rankings all together?
336 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2020 at 1:51 AM
yea that'd be the "ideal" thing as far as that goes...
170 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2020 at 5:44 AM
I'd prefer not to have an auto clicker implemented as BW is not an idle game, it is interactive, but, having said that, if it was optional that would give each player a choice. I agree with some players about the friend whacks, they are great for boosting mana etc but it takes an age to use them. It would be great to have a "use all friend whacks" where on doing so it maybe gives you a power and mana fill up (100 each) a 50% fill up on energy bar,say 5000 gold and a few gems, job done in one instance.
9 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2020 at 9:49 AM
Great idea, I think! Thanks for all your hard work!
9 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2020 at 10:08 AM
I'd like to have 'dumb' taskmasters - that can click one thing, with no logic behind. For example using energy till stopped or energy is used up. Gambling at the slot machine till stopped or all gold/gems gone. Clicking merge runes till stopped. Using power whack till stopped, etc.
In the end, just click where you put them. That would help people who have medical problems, wouldn't upset strategies (like always use power when it's between y and x ammount, use powerenergizing rune or similar), and wouldn't change the game too much from what it is now (in my case a happy go to place where I can click around without much thinking behind it, without any stress or goal, but with nice and cute surprises from time to time).

In addition I support Kate (aquafishy)'s suggestion to have the possibility to opt out of rankings. This will allow people who want to play this game as a competition to compete, and others to withdraw from that competition.
10 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 4th 2020 at 6:45 PM
This has become a complicated subject and it doesn't matter who started the original posting, as a lot of us players were curious about the verrrry high scores of some players from new platforms. Whatever way BW's desire to play is up to them if allowed
by developers. My opinions is...get rid of the ranking system unless the developers can separate the two types of playing..the ones that need or want the enhancing features for pleasurable play and those of us who don't need or want these enhancements. The rankings system..i.e. overall game play, Natalie's trophies, and events does not make sense or is fair if we are all in it as if we play the same way because obviously, we don't.

Although I'll never be up in the top structure of the ranking system, I enjoy it as long as we are all on an equal level while playing regarding our runes, trinkets and knowledge of the game. I do not want to be competing against the ones that need or desire the enhancements.

Get rid of rankings or separate!
3215 Posts
Link to post - Posted November 5th 2020 at 9:59 AM
Nickshire (CNE Dev)
Thank you all for your thoughts on this idea! I will take it all into consideration.
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