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Codename Entertainment
Exclamation balloon over ALL separately whacked items/characters
16 Posts
Link to post - Posted July 26th 2020 at 10:31 PM
Someone had the marvelous idea to add a balloon over some of the event and area quest items/characters that have to be whacked separately. This really helps, since some of them move and are easily seen, but a lot of them are static. I'm now in the Flux, and while some items might be more visible in their native areas background, they simply aren't that obvious in the Flux background. I would suggest going through the entire game and updating ALL the separately whacked items and characters to display a balloon.

I realize this is a BIG undertaking, but this is also the sort of thing we assigned to an intern or new developer. It was more time-consuming than technically difficult, and it allowed them to review the entire application and code while performing these enhancements. Of can hope Codename has better behind-the-scenes documentation than they do on the front end. Also, if you have system testing or independent testing, everyone can be keeping an eye out to catch missed items and characters. It also can be done over time, not all at once...just make a commitment to complete by a certain time.

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