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Codename Entertainment
Idea's for xmas event 2020
763 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 22nd 2019 at 10:12 PM
Russel Denton
Hi Fellow Bushwhackians,

i hope you all are having a very Merry Christmas, this thread id about some idea's i have for CI'S and Ranch items for next years xmas event, they are as follows:

CUSTOMISABLE ITEM'S ( hats, swords etc )

- Gingerbread man/woman ( pending your avatars sex ) head mask and suit ( shirt and gloves) each item's would be purchased as a separate item, e.g. glove,head mask, suit etc each would be 20 tokens like it is now

- Xmas lights as a whip

- Gingerbread sword

- Xmas ribbon as a whip

- Tinsel Top Hat

- Tinsel cape


- Pair of Nutcracker Soldiers - each would be movable separately

- Gingerbread house

- Animatronic xmas train that goes around in a loop

as for pets i thought of these little beauties:

- a gremlin ( like in the movies ) dressed as santa

- a walking present with eyes

- a singed cat ( like the singed racoon ) with xmas lights around him ( a little nod to National lampoons christmas vacation )

also i have posted this in the xmas event 2019

happy to hear folks thoughts

from Russel Denton
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