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Codename Entertainment
Different Pets & Bonuses..
89 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 1st 2019 at 3:36 PM
Last Edited December 1st 2019 at 4:07 PM
Barb Tompkins
LETS SPICE THE GAME UP SOME....¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯

How about a Gold Unique DNA Pet ....that will give us unique DNA.

How about a GREEN BB's Pet shape of money Pet that gives us BB'S.

How about a movable pottery Pet etc....that will help us get better odds.

How about a Quest Pet that allows us to whack all q's faster when we have limited time to do so..(IE good for all quests in quest bar)..

How about a Rune Pet shape of a rune..that we can select the bonus of our choice..(Mana/Gems/Power).

How about a diamond shaped Pet...
The list is endless..!!!

OF course the higher the odds for latter pets the better the results...¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯

Please feel free to comment and tyvm
763 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 1st 2019 at 6:38 PM
Russel Denton
hi Barb,

i did a similar thread on such thing Barb

and i suggested we have some pets do the following:

- Chance to find Pet treats


- Chance to find pristine feed

i like most of your idea's except for the pottery one ( please explain more on it) and the Quest one, ( we already have a trinket that sucks up pop up items ) also please explain more on it please

As for the BB's one i am highly doubtful the devs would create it due to it might bring a unbalance in the game

from Russel Denton
89 Posts
Link to post - Posted December 2nd 2019 at 1:00 PM
Barb Tompkins
Hi Russel..

I did say to spice the game up some....^_^..

So let's see what and if Nick says anything...

A Natalie Pet to get better odds on trophy odds..

I really like the BB Pet suggestion....and IK all would like it..AND it would not unbalance the game.. It would help to attain some BB's..

The quest one is too get a quest done faster..( spawns just whacks one)..
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